No One

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As I gazed over at my girlfriend while we were cuddling on the couch watching a movie, I began to notice things I'd never seen before.

Every few seconds she would exhale and then she'd inhale and suck in her stomach just so that it didn't stick out.

She would only eat a few pieces of popcorn every once in awhile.

She was constantly making sure that she didn't put too much of her weight on me.

Constantly making sure that there wasn't a single bit of visibility to the weight she wished to get rid of.

What she didn't know was that no one else noticed that.

No one else noticed that she had a little extra weight around the middle.

No one cared that she ate more than them.

Her weight wasn't something that bothered me, mainly because she was already stick thin.

I know she doesn't see herself the way I see her, because if she did she wouldn't do the things she does.

She would love her body the way I do.

She would be comfortable in a swimsuit or tighter fitting clothes.

I'm not gonna go around saying that she worries too much about her weight or claim that I'm that much better than her because I don't have a problem with my weight, because that would push her farther down into this problem.

I decided to make it a point that if she ever asked me a question relating somehow to weight, I would do my best to never answer in a way that could be degrading.

I'm not usually one to pick out people's flaws, it just isn't me, but if that was what it took to break her out of that mindset, I'd do it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a soft yawn that had come from my girlfriend. I smiled at the feeling of her snuggling into my side.

From this night forward I would remind her everyday just how much I love her and how beautiful she was.


No one deserves to feel bad about their weight or be scared to wear a swimsuit.

No one deserves to feel guilty for eating a second brownie.

No one deserves to be guilted into throwing up after every meal just to stay at a certain weight.

No one deserves to.

No one.

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