Chapter 5

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Flash Foward To......umm......Just Fast foward like a month or two later okie ;)

Calum's P.O.V

Michael like a month ago booked a spot at a gig and that is coming up in like two weeks. We are going to perform at a bar later tonight. Who knew it costed a lot of money! We saved up tons of money and we finally have enough for both of these nights.

I can't wait till tonight and am wonder how it's going to work out. Ri helped us with the promotion around school and at Starbucks ( that's were she works), i'm like really curious how it is going to work out.

Some songs Michael, Luke and I practiced were A-team and some other cool songs. I think we are only going to do....fooooouuurrr songs? I DON'T KNOW! Damn it... I should know... What ever. The boys decided to head to my house for a quick practice before we head to the bar.

Sadly Ri can't make it to this one but she can make it to the gig one. I am super excited but im hella nervous.


What if I mess up.

What if no one likes us.

What if no one shows up.

What is going to happen to us afterwards.

---------Michaels P.O.V------

We are in my car driving to the bar. Honestly we will all be chatting away, but no one is talking but our awkward silence is covered with some music playing in the background. I think we are all super scared. I know I am. I feel like shitting in my pants any second now.


"Luke, who is calling?" Since he is up in the passenger seat

"It's Ri. Do you want me to answer for you" Luke said

"Ya thanks!"

"Hey Ri!"

"HI RIIIIIIILEEEYY!" Calum yelled. Luke started to giggle

"Calum, Ri said she is going to kill you."Luke told Calum

"Tell her she is my Ri so I can call her Riley"Calum told luke

"Ri.."luke started

"Guys just put it on the damn speakerphone!" I said

"Okie okie sorry!" Luke said

"awwww whats wrong Mikey? Nevermind tell me later. I think I know what is going in your heads now. Well guys you guys need to take a deep breath. Cause you will do just fine. Just imagine I am in the show. You guys are going to knock their socks off. If you miss a line, don't freak out and pause just move on, the other guys will have your back. Just go out there and have fun! It is almost like doing one of those youtube covers, but there are actual people. Just perform like how you did with our mom's and dad's and siblings. I know you guys will do amazing! I know some of my friends are coming and seeing you so that will be exciting! So anyways! The most important thing is just to be yourself and have fun! I love you guys! Jackie is here and I need to go now! Love you all!" Ri said

"DAAAAAMMMMMNNN RI! Did you write all that out?!" Calum said and we all started to crack up

"I take speech and debate for nothing. okay guys I really have to go! Love you all! HAVE FUN!"

"BYE RI!" We all said together

----------------fast foward (again i know im sorry) after performance-------------

I dropped Luke and Calum back to their house after we had a small chat at Luke's house cause he lives in the middle of no where!

We talked about how the performance went.

We came to conclusion that it would have been better if we had some sort of drummer, cause some people didn't take us seriously when we said we wanted to be punk rock.

But where are we going to find a drummer.

I will ask Ri in the morning for help cause she is good at finding people. She is just one weird person.

Well now i'm just sitting on my bed staring at the celling.

The performance wasn't that bad. I think people weren't paying much attention cause 99% were drunk. But if we were bad they would have said something right?

I'm replaying when Ri was saying her mini speech. How am I so lucky to be with a girl like her!

-------Next day Riley's P.O.V------------

Towards the afternoon when all the boys are now awake have decided to all come to my house and talk about the performance... Well all the boys is meaning Luke and Michael. Calum would have came, but he has a soccer tournament today. So i promised hom that we will met up together again. Just the two of us.

Michael and Luke kept switching off on how the performance went. Honestly I wasn't paying attention cause Calum told me all over phone in the morning. But to make it feel like i was intrested and listening. I put a smile on and kept nodding my head.

Until Michael asked me a question... that were I started to pay attention.

"Ri, We were wondering if you can help us find a drummer? Cause we notice we can become more punk rock if we have a drummer. I don't really drum, so we need a legit drummer." michael asked

"Please Ri!!!" luke said

"A drummer?! Ya sure."

OH MY GOSH MY FRIENDS BOY FRIEND IS A DRUMMER! I CAN ASK HIM! HE IS A TOTAL....nevermind.. he might say no, but i can still ask" I told them. Thinking about it. I remeber when Ashton told me he loves drumming, so thats why he fell in love with Jackie. But i remeber me showing videos of them, and how he didn't like them cause they weren't taking the whole "band" thing seriously. It's worth a shot right?!

"what were you going to say?" michael asked looking concerned.

"Nothing. I'll just help you find a drummer. I'll find out when you guys can hang out. Maybe he can join you guys before your guys "gig" " I say

-----LATER THAT DAY------

Luke and Michael left to do some grocery shopping for me cause i'm too lazy to do it my self.So i decided to call Jackie.


"Hey Jackie! What's up!"

"Ummm, nothing chilling with Ashton"

"Oh cool! I was wondering If you both can come over right now. I will explain more when you get here. It is kind of important and I need both of you. Well more of Ashton but ya!"

"Hahaha okay.. Is everything okay?"

"Ya everything is fine.. Just come ASAP! Love you bye!"

"Haha bye Ri!"

After sitting on the couch and wathcing T.V what felt like hours. There is a knock on the door. I knew Michael and Luke wouldn't knock, so i figured that Jackie and Ash came over

"Hey Guys! Come in!" I say and hug them both

"What's up Ri?" Ash asked

"Well...I was wondering...."



Hahaha so how was the chapter?

Im sorry for any grammar mistakes and any spelling errors! Just deal with it lol!

Don't forget to comment and leave a comment!

Love you all!!

-N ;-)

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