The story of my life

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November 2nd, 2017

So you wanted to know the story of my parents.. right well here it is

"Moooom" I hollered from the top of the stairs stretching out the o. There was no response. I waited about 10 seconds to yell again, "mom?" I yelled in a questioning tune. There was no response yet again. I always expect there to be no response. Since I'm the only child there was so older sibling to watch me or no younger sibling to look after...I did everything for myself.

I went downstairs and took out the cereal from the cub board and put it on the counter. I walked towards the fridge when all of a sudden my mom walked in the front door. The smell of alcohol, drugs and death flew into the house.

She looked at me "what the fuck are you doing in my food!!" she yelled. "I-I um was hungry so I to.." slap!! A loud sound echoed thru my ears. This is the first hit of the day yay me. "NEVER and I mean NEVER touch my food again go buy it yourself you selfish fuck".

I started crying and ran out the door. I ran about 3 blocks  towards my school before I stopped I saw a black jeep, I looked at the window to see that I looked like trash. I started walking towards school when I ran into mr Joseph. "Mr. Joseph?" I asked and squinted my eyes.

"Oh hey Emma, cool seeing you here" mr. Joseph said. "Ya, do you live around here?" I asked just to brighten the mood. "Actually ya I do I live just down the street number 74" mr. Joseph  laughed as he said it". "Oh wow we live really close I actually live at 53, what a small world". If your wondering who mr. Joseph is he's my science and chemistry teacher I love him as a teacher he's actually pretty nice. "Alright well I'll see you at school sir!"I said that with a half fake half real smile.

When I walked thru the doors of hell i was 9 minutes late. Since I went to a public school no one cared. When I walked in I was followed by mr. Joseph. We looked at each other and smiled. God his smile was so Emma what are you doing he's your teacher you can't be hitting on him...I thought to myself.

I walked up the stairs my school smelt like sweaty kids the whole way to class. It's like 75* in here..I thought to myself. I walked into my class to the sight of the WORST teacher ever miss. Kiriani I ignored her the whole class

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