He hates me

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November 3rd, 2017

Dear diary...who am I kidding let's just ditch the fucking diary shut because rn this story is getting pretty intense so just chill and listen and you'll be great...

Emma's pov

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I can't I just can't, I physically cannot survive when he's smiling I-i-i-i "EMMA HELLO!!" Mr. Luke yelled..I heard my name but for some reason I guess thinking about your teacher crush also disables you from talking..."Emma I know you can hear me" he said quieter this time. For some reason I still ignored him. Come on you dumb ass say something anything, I thought to myself.

"Alright you need to have some sort of punishment, go to the vice principles office NOW!!" He ordered. Then of course was the second I snapped out of my 'coma'."you heard me, GO!" He said once more.

I got up and walked out of the class room and walked downstairs. When I got down there I walked into the office and past the 2 sets of doors that led to the vice principles office. I walked in and saw him.

That smile, that look, that body, those eyes, that hair, his hands, his skin tone. Everything you would like in a person and I saw it right there, right in front of me

"Emma, well then what are you doing here". "Mr. Joseph...what your the vice principle, since when??" I said very quiet. "Well Emma if you have to know I've been the vice principle for about 3 years now!" He said with a laugh. "Oh I'm sorry sir I never knew". I said.

"So Emma what are you here for"

"Well actually I just got told to come here by mr. Luke"

"Were you being bad again" he looked at me with a smirk

"Um sir don't you think that's a weird term to use, I would say more on the lines of naughty"

"Did he send you down here for a punishment?

Our school does this thing we're if your bad you get a smack.....on the ass. Like what. The. Fuck who does that.

"Maybe he did, I don't know?"

"How don't you know, you were listening weren't you?"


I wasn't looking up when all of a sudden a hand was on my chin and my face was being held up.

"Emma, you have to listen to your teachers"

At this point it was obvious he had feelings for me too it was obvious, but my own t-teacher. Nonononono this is wronggg this can't happen, but I-I want it to.

"Listen Emma I think it's time we talk...again"

He sat down in the only chair that was available in the room. I looked behind me and noticed he was holding onto my hips and he pulled me onto his lap.

"Emma I need to talk to you about something that you know is true, Emma this is hard to say but I know that you like me"

I was in complete shock, I couldn't believe this was happening. But at the same time I wanted to kiss him so badly. He was sitting right there and I had the perfect chan-.

I was cut off by his talking. "And I may or may not feel the same way"

My jaw dropped

I had no idea how to act

This is wrong

I just,

I can't do this with my teacher

But he has more to say??

"Emma you know we can't do this yet though"

I was shocked by his tone but I listened. Oh my lord...he hates me

I knew it

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