chapter 12

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Wow last chapter had so much dialog anyway and this chapter is short
Sophies Pov

It was school and Sophie still hadn't told Grady and Edaline about her date. The day sped by until lunch.

"Guys guess what Sophie did last night!" Biana basically yelled at their group of friends. Sophie didn't want to make it obvious that she was scared so she gave Biana a death glare.

"Wow, Foster calm down would you?" Keefe fanned the air. Just on cue Fitz rolled his eyes. "What's wrong Fitzter?"

"Anyway, as I was saying Sophie went on a," Sophies hand bolted to Biana's mouth they looked at each other Biana's eyes were wide open. Her hand began to feel warm and moist.

"Can you stop licking my hand now?" Not to long after Biana bit her. "Ouch!" She glared at Biana again.

"Sophie wore a dress." soon all eyes were on her.

"You wore a dress?" Dex asked with confusion clearly on his face.

"She wore it on her date!" Biana squealed and told the about the teal dress that she wore.

"Okay we get that Foster wore a dress but she went on a date? With who?" Biana opened her mouth to answer the question but the bell rang saving Sophie and Fitz.

They both had decided to wait to tell the rest of their friends.

Fitz's pov
After the school day was over sophie was coming over to hang out with Biana and Keefe was coming to hang out with him. When they leapt to Everglen the first thing somebody said was "WHEN CAN I TELL KEEFE!"
Both Sophie and Fitz turned to see Biana giving them the puppy dog eyes.

"Foster tell me please! Wait does Fitz know?" Sophie looked at him and he looked at her. The golden flecks in her eyes shined in the sun matching her beautiful blonde hair. "Why can't you tell me?"


"Biana you can stop yelling, and no. We aren't telling people yet." Sophie was clearly enjoying this.

"Wait. So you aren't telling people yet so that makes me special," Biana was smiling now clearly happy that we weren't telling people. "I am giving you a makeover. Also for your next date I get to dress you up." Sophie looked upset that she would have to get a makeover but she shrugged it off as a smile took over the frowns spot.

The girls went up to Bianas room and the boys stayed outside. "What do you want to do?" Fitz asked his best friend.

"Well I want you to tell me who Sophies dating so I can give him a long speech as to why he shouldn't ever and I mean EVER hurt Sophie. Maybe we can prepare a speech together." As Keefe talked the more he realized he should tell him.

"Keefe you have to promise you won't tell anyone who Sophie is dating." Keefe was silent for a moment until he looked Fitz in the eyes.

"You have my word." Keefe spoke seriously and Fitz than knew it was important.

"It is..."

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