The seven day plan

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Somi walked into to choir classroom feeling over joyed from talking with Brad. She ploped down on her chair thinking of his smile and cute voice. Somi got up and walked to grab her notebook and saw her friend Maelee. "Hello!" Maelee said in a voice that notified Somi. Maelee and Somi sat next to each other. Somi told Maelee about Brad and how she has a crush on him. Then Gracie walked in. Almost as if a trail of sparkles behind her as her skirt flowed in with a cute bun on her head.
"Hey, have you herd the new K.A.R.D song yet?" Somi squealed as she sang with Gracie in harmony "To a name I dont recall..." Then Somi quickly stopped. "Okay, okay down to business. Brad has the cutest voice and we talked to today!" Gracie looked at her took in the deepest breath ever and let out the most glorious words ever, "I Ship y'all so hard." Now Somi had her friends approval she was happy. Somi had a thought and sighed, "but there is only 7 days of school starting tomorrow. It will never happen." The bell rang and Somi got the perfect plan. the seven day plan.
Seven day plan
Day1/talk to Brad more.
Day2/get some dirt on Brad's terrible girlfriend, Zoe.
Day3/ break up Brad and Zoe.
Day4/help Brad feel better after the break up
Day5/flirt with Brad
Day6/tell Brad how you feel
Day7/Brad is now your boyfriend :)

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