Chapter two

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Chapter 2

Mona (part one)

The air was crisp and cold. The wind blew harshly around us and the sky started rumbling coming to life, threatening to release its raft.

Red and black rose pedals were scattered all around the casket, as friends and family members watched in silence, as the casket was slowly lowered in the grave. It was the final resting place for Mona lee Rogers.

I stood in the front role, beside Trisha's parents, my own parents on the other side of me. We all held our heads down as the preacher said some final words of goodbye.

It felt weird being next to my parents, my mother and father stood next to me, not knowing I was Mona but seeing me as Trisha.

My mother was crying silently as my dad had his arms protectively around her. He tried to keep his composure, his face was screwed back in seriousness, but I saw the hurt and agonizing pain in his eyes. But like always, my dad tried to be the strong one.

 I touched my mom on her shoulder, she looked old and fragile. I never noticed how much gray she had in her hair or the many wrinkles on her face. Both my parents had dark circles under their eyes, probably from the lack of sleep.

I have to admit seeing them both hurting, the way they were, made me feel horrible. But I had to do what I thought had to be done. It wasn't about them or anyone else. This was about me and my new freedom. My new start. And I wasn't going to let anyone stand in my way not even my parents.

My mother turned and smiled weakly at me. Tears streamed down her face as she patted my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. People started coming up to my parents giving them their condolence and rushing off before the storm started.

 I saw this as my cue to leave. I pulled my shawl tighter around me, wishing that I had grabbed a coat on my way out. A gust of wind blew toward me as I ducked my head, weaving past the crowd of people heading towards their cars. I finally found my way out, stopping by a nearby tree; I rest against it scanning the parking lot of cars for my own.

"Excuse me miss?" a deep voice sounded behind me. I turned to find a man stepping out from behind the other tree next to me. I never saw this man before, and that’s saying a lot, since Cleft wood was a small town. Everyone knew each other and the gossip that came with them. I studied him before answering.

He was about 5'11, slender, had brown short hair and piercing gray eyes. He wore a black leather trench coat that hung loosely to the ground, even with the coat on; I could make out his chisel chest and muscular biceps. And as he stood in front of me, I noticed he had an authority presence about himself and I felt intimidated by him, something I didn't like one bit.

"Yes?" I answered sweetly.

I decided not to be rude, if I was going to see who and what this guy wanted, I had to play my cards right. The man extended his hand out "My name is Silva and I'm a private detective."

I shook his hand slowly, the smile never leaving my face. I couldn't get rid of it, even if I wanted to, cause my face was frozen with fear.

‘O crap. Crap crap crap.’ I swallowed a big lump forming in my throat.

 "How may I help you detective?" I made sure I didn't give him my name, remembering I had to play my cards right. Silva dropped my hand, quickly reached in his right coat pocket, and took out a pen and note pad.

 I chuckled to myself, thinking about how cliché that looked; A detective pulling out a pen and note pad, just like in the movies or books.

"Some of the people told me that you were Mona Lee Roger's best friend?"

Trisha Blake (Book 1 of the Varlawn Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now