Chapter three

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Chapter 3


The cell was musty and damp. Concrete walls surround me as I sat on the cold stone floor, both my arms chained to the wall. I could barely see for the only light was coming from a small window above my head and night fall seemed to have already set in.

There was a steel door across the room from me but I barely saw it open for my kidnappers were the only one that had the power to open it. I was badly beaten and was thrown in here about a week ago. I remember it so vividly....

 Peace and harmony spread out through the lands of Varlawn, it vibrated through every plant and tree, and through every cell of land and airborne creature. It soared up and empty out into our skies, filling our air with love and tranquility.

We the people never fought or bicker amongst ourselves. Everyone got along with one another, we never harvest evil or hate in our hearts it was beneath us. Varlawn use to be perfect.

It was written, in our books of history, that our four founders "the enlightened," each had a power of the 4 elements; fire, earth, water and air.

But join together, they all had the power; to tell the past, present and future, and even wielded, the most powerful of them all; life and death.

They came together, and made a rune; a magical necklace, that each of the founders stored their power in. The necklace was said to be so powerful that it combined the four elements, and created the world Varlawn.

Today, it gives us our power, and protection to us people. And in return, we would forever protect it, and never harvest the power for our selfish needs.

Every decade a protector of the necklace is born, bearing the trademark of an 'enlightened'. The trademark was a circle, and in the circle it had a star, and inside the star it had one of the four elements.

The story behind the mark was that the four elements made the sun, moon, and stars, and one day the stars fell from the heavens, and as they landed they sprout out, grass, dirt, rocks and plants. The circle represents the barrier we have protecting Varlawn.  I and a few others have this mark, the mark of the protectors.

Flash back: The day of the attack, it started off as any normal day. I was at my post, minding my own business, when a big explosion took place behind me.

The concussion of the blast sent me flying forward. Rumble and debris fell on top of me pinning me to the floor.

A man stepped out from the hole in the wall, followed by two others. The man was name Mobeus, and he was evil itself.

He walked up to the display mount, where the necklace was resting. He began to reach for it, when the necklace took heed, and shattered itself into tiny pieces.

The pieces hovered above the mount, its colorful shards twinkling like diamonds, in Mobeus eyes. He started to grab for one, but the shards vanished in thin air, leaving his hands empty.

 A yell so loud, and earth quaking, bellowed out of Mobeus, as he threw back his head, in frustration.

I tried to quietly move the rumble off of myself. But he heard the commotion, and in matter of seconds he was standing over me. He took hold of my hair, yanking me free from my trap and held me up at eye level to him.

"Where did the necklace go?" he ordered.

 I didn't say anything; I just looked into his dark, red eyes. He threw me against the wall and began choking me, his nails digging into my flesh.

 "Tell me, now!"

Once again I didn’t say anything, I kept my mouth close and my eyes forward.

"Fine, have it your way." He threw me to the men that were standing behind him. They began snickering and touching me all over. I cringed as I felt their warm breath against my skin.

“Take her with us, she'll talk soon or later" he said to his minions while exiting trough the hole.

I was stuffed behind a carriage and brought to a castle, which I assume, was Mobeus lair. Where my cloths were ripped from my body and were replaced with rags. Iron steel chains, were clamped around my wrist, and feet.

In the distance, the sound of a whip being bend, and snapped, echo throughout the ceiling and walls, as it was brought backwards with force, and with one flick of the wrist, it was towering down on me, tearing, and slashing flesh from my body.

Every day and every-night I endure this pain, because I wouldn't tell Mobeus where the shards were at. I didn't mouth a single word; I took a vow of silence. Because I knew he was coming to save me.

 My big brother Silva.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2012 ⏰

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