Thursday, 18th September

161 9 6

Nikki came up to me today. I was so excited, I nearly kissed her. But it wasn't for what I was hoping for. It was for this,

"Umm Brandon?" asked Nikki


"I hate you. Oh and take this back." Then she thrust the teddy bear that said "You're mine" on it into my shirt. I was appalled. She carried on, "I hate it, hate you and your fu***** life, oh and I also hope you rot in hell. Oh and there's this,"  Then she ripped up my love you card, ripped her boyfriend and girlfriend bracelet then took of a necklace I gave her. Then, she threw it on the floor, stamped on it and tossed it out the window. I was shocked. I felt the tears stinging in my eyes. I couldn't take it. I ran to the janitors closet and stayed there. That was it. I'm THROUGH with Nikki. If she wants it the hard way, we'll play like that...

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