The Song

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I love music as much as he does. A tall dark angel who fell from an unknown horizon won't be named Kyle Martelle; the guy I used to be very close with and the one I used to match-make with that cute girl sitting in one of those classroom's front seats. She's short yet so beautiful.


"You could really make the best couple ever, you know!" I started teasing them that morning.

My classmates gave me a scorning look! Hahaha. They hate to hear my sharp and tiny stinging voice. Unfortunately, they can do nothing about it.

During our break, I found him under the tree strumming my guitar. As commonplace, he played again my favorite song. I walked towards him and started singing along with him.

"You have a great voice, Empress." he complimented.


"Oh really? Well, I know that already."I said while laughing coyly at him.

As we went on singing, the students started girding around us. Like the usual, he got himself indulged of the music and everybody began requesting songs.

One night, I was insomniac and got out of the bed. My eyes are locked unintently at my guitar on the corner. Without a warning, he appeared on my mind. It was the strangest night of my life.

  "EMPRESS!!!" he called out the following morning.

I have just arrived in school. From the looks of it, he has been here for a while. As he went close to me, I suddenly felt an unwelcome feeling gushing through my veins. As abnormally as it sounds, my heart is skipping a beat. 


"Yeah? W--what's wrong with you handsome muggins?" I asked trying to fake a sweet smile.

I think he doesn't know what muggins is for he just gave me his sweet candied smile. When he gazed at me as he continued talking, I looked away. It's so awkward. Swear.

"I heard another song from our favorite band. You'll surely like it." he excitedly shared.

He then took my guitar and started singing the said song for me. My heart seemed to be having a construction inside because of getting panicky. His voice, his eyes, his brows and lashes-- everything in him is alluringly adorable.

That scene kept on happening; him, singing beguilingly to me. I might not want to say it nor admit it, it might not have been vocally apparent but I'm falling for him. No. Let me rephrase that. I fell for him. Already.



"Hey handsome-- Oh! Hi Claire!"

She's my bestfriend. I thought it was him. Strange. He didn't waited for me at the gate this morning. On spur of moment, while I looked at her, I'm nervous and rattling again.


"What's with the full-wide smile, Claire?"I asked her, frowning massively.

"Wouldn't you congratulate me? Haven't you known?" she asked back.


My panic inside turned even worse. This doesn't sound good. My brows almost met as I tried to figure what she's trying me to comprehend.

"Why should I, my dear? Are you the president of the Philippines now? Enlighten me, please."

 "No! Haha. I'm not the president of the Philippines. I'm only presiding the heart of the only Kylle Martelle." she cheerfully chirped with glittering eyes.

I felt the gazillions of pricks splintering my heart as her words registered in my brain. If you think I exaggerated it, I don't care for right now, I'm really feeling heartbroken even though THE SCRIPT says WHEN A HEART BREAKS, NO, IT DON'T BREAKEVEN.

That day changed everything. It changed me. It changed my music. From that day forward, I shunned him. I heard most of the time that our voices are humming together but I realized in the end that they're just illusive fallacy.  It was just my heart singing silently with him as I furtively observed him chanting from a distant. I missed him.

To make the story short, I moved on. I tried to indecisively believe I have. I even said to myself voicelessly that I can lend him my guitar like we used to and that I can give him once again my saccharine smile merited only for him.

However, I proved myself wrong that day. I was inside an empty room occupied by myself alone as I'm intoning a new song of our favorite band. Unanticipatedly, he interrupted. He handed me a paper with the song's lyrics on it.

Without a word, he took the guitar and sang the song for me. It's the same song I'm humming lately before he arrived. The thought painted back the smile on my lips. We still have the same favorite song.

I remained quiet even when he put down the guitar. He gazed at me fixedly and without any spoken words, he just left me with his bewitching smile and yearning scent.

The next day thereupon, I heard from some flagrant busybodies that they broke up. I closed my eyes as I sat on the bench. I tried to calm myself. I don't want to sound horrible if I'm going to face Claire... or him.

Out of the void, I heard someone singing.

When you're feeling lost

Don't give up because it's alright

When you close your eyes, I'm by your side.

I opted not to open my eyes for I'm certain that it's him. And that... I badly want him by my side. But when I felt his hand wiping a stray tear from my eyes, I undubiously opened them and met his beaming soul.

I can see now the ray of sunlight that was lost presently.  


"I'm here Empress... And I'll always be here. I missed you." he muttered and smiled magnetically at me as if it's...


The End. ♥

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