The Huntress And Her Vampire

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A hard fought excursion, a group of Demacian bandits covering from the small farmer's gates.beaten, but Quinn had suffered great injuries when fighting along side her mate, the fledgling vampire hardly was a creature of the night a few days and already she was badly injured.

The door of Vayne's mansion swung open and an exhausted black-haired huntress entered carrying a pale severely injured woman in her arms bridal. Vayne looked into the grimace of her companion, kissing Quinn's forehead and setting her precious scout upon the dark worn fabric of leather couch.
Vayne cautiously peeled away the bloodied rags that were once the Demacian scout's uniform. The vampire yelped, convulsing in pain as a particularly ensanguined piece of cloth stuck to an open gash in her pale sickly body. Shauna ambled into another room, the sound of rushing water emanated throughout the hall. A minute passed and the huntresses returned wearing nothing in preparation for what was to come next.
The once noble woman took Quinn's own naked form into her embrace, earnestly looking down at the Demacian scout in her arms.
Vayne carried her vulnerable bloodied lover into the readied bath. Slowly, ever so gently, the night hunter lay the feeble vampire whelp on top of herself. Running her hands over the bruised sore skin, the human kissed the side of the shuddering vampire's head. Grimy hemoglobin parted from torn flesh and Quinn tensed as dainty digits rubbed over her firm stomach musculature.

The poor tenderfoot vampire whined in pain as Vayne cleaned a particularly nasty area where the indisposed beast had shielded a few arrows from her more mortal lover. The huntress felt pitiful shudders from Quinn as she continued her work.

Her lover's breaths suddenly normalized prompting Shauna to look upon the beautiful face of the one in her care.
It seems the little Demacian vampire was tuckered out, and rightfully so. A tender touch began to dry the sleeping scout's droplet covered skin.

Hours since then Quinn awoke on their shared bed, still in Vayne's gentle embrace. Her wounds had healed and now the other woman's heated breaths fell upon the feeble vampire's flushed tender skin. Sanguine eyes stared into warm brown.
"You need to drink mon amour."
Shauna offered her neck to Quinn who's crimson eyes looked hungry and terrified at the prospect. She shuddered trying to push herself away. Tears began to form and she spoke.
"I-I've already hurt you, I don't want to Shauna."
"It's alright my love, you didn't mean to, you were starved and you had fought bravely to protect me." Gentle fingers caressed pale skin.
"It didn't damage me, please drink."
The fledgling shook her head. Her mind still on her last inflictions she had given. Shakily she spoke, "You were in so much pain, so much agony, and I couldn't stop myself... I couldn't stop feeding on you! Everything was red, I was so hungry, you were just blood bag, and I-"

Vayne placed a hand on Quinn's cheek. Tenderly rubbing circles with her thumb
"vous êtes trop sévère."(You're being too harsh) She kissed the woman she loved, gently as to allow the scout to find inner peace, showing her fellow Demacian that she was not afraid, and lulling her bundled, beautiful, beloved back to reality.
Quinn's once tearful eyes met the night hunter's, "Shauna..."
"It's alright, je veux vous montrer quelque chose."(I want to show you something)
Vayne's fingers crept down to her lover's rosette flower.
"Ahhha, ahh, ahhh!", Quinn's back arched, eyes slammed shut. Shauna whispered into her ear, "Je veux vous montrer combien je t'aime."
(To show you how much I love you)
Gentle scarlet lips nibbled on the scout's earlobe as slender digits circled her entrance.
Fingers scratched at Quinn's scalp, her breaths erratic as she is taken.

The silky sheets fill her grasp as Vayne carefully pushes the now aroused vampiress on her back. Straddling the woman in her care, the night hunter leans down taking Quinn's lips with her own. Shauna's fingers, having moved back down, massaged her lover's clitoris causing the target of her affection to open her mouth and-.
Taking the opportunity the huntress' searing hot tongue enters the frail scout's mouth, licking the younger woman's vampiric canines. One of the more sensitive erogenous places a vampire has, Vayne's warm wet organ stimulated the razor-sharp fangs to grow. Quinn's breaths became pants as her mortal lover continued to caress her pearlescent teeth affectionately with her tongue.

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