Chapter Four: First Kill

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“Those two will be easier to go after,” Luciano turned to the two male teachers, ignoring the girl who had ran off for the moment. “Get rid of them. Lutz, you and Kuro stay with me.”

Everyone nodded, going after the two who had began to run off the minute they saw their student was out of harm's way.

“Why are we staying?” Lutz asked as Luciano began walking.

“We're going to follow the girl. The rest of them may be idiots, but they can handle the killing at least.”

“From how you said that, does that mean you aren't planning on killing that girl?” Kuro questioned.

“Of course I'm planning to kill her,” Luciano gave him a cold look. “If we follow her, she might lead us to her friends.”

The two nodded, questioning their leader no further.

Luciano was surprised at how well the others were following his orders. After all, they didn't work for him, whereas Lutz and Kuro did. They had been his enemies, technically. But for now, at least, they were going to work together until Luciano’s plan was over.

They had spent practically their whole lives trying to hunt down and kill those people. They could work together a little longer to get rid of a few measly kids so that they would finally get their revenge.

“Where do you think she went?” Lutz finally decided to ask.

They had been trying to open all of the doors they had come across after losing (name). Luciano was certain that she hadn't made it to another floor, so the only possible place for her to be was inside one of the classrooms.

However, every single one they had opened was not locked and didn't have a barricade. They had even fully searched a majority of them, and found nothing.

“She didn't disappear into thin air,” Luciano growled in response, annoyed that they couldn't find her.

“We caught one of the teachers,” Viktor suddenly entered the classroom they were in to give his report on what had happened.

“And?” Kuro crossed his arms over his chest, prompting more of an explanation.

“We killed him and left his body for the kids to find. The other one managed to get away from Oliver.”

Luciano was dumbfounded. “You entrusted Oliver of all people to go after him? You know he isn't a fan of killing kids.”

“The guy wasn't a kid,” Viktor tried to reason.

“Doesn't matter. He's a teacher, one who said he was going to protect the kids. Oliver isn't going to put those kids in danger. Next time, remember not to rely on him for the dirty work.”

Viktor simply nodded.

“Are we going to keep looking for the girl?” Kuro asked.

“Yes,” he snapped back before turning. “Viktor,tell the others to start searching the rooms on other floors. They aren't escaping from us.”

Viktor nodded before leaving the room to go and inform the others of Luciano’s decision. The other three left as well, moving on to the next room.


I had lucked out, that was for sure. Even though I had hidden myself well, I hadn't expected those guys to search the rooms so thoroughly.

One of them had come extremely close to finding me. I had hidden myself in a metal storage closet that was located in every room.

They were all always locked, but the keys to them were located in the professors’ desks. I had locked it behind me, but I was just glad that none of them decided to try and force the door open.

Once I was certain they had moved onto the next hallway, I snuck out of the closet and peeked out of the room to make sure they really weren't around.

From there, I decided to head down to the second floor to see if Haydn and the others were still down there.

As I was walking towards the room they were in, a voice caused me to freeze in my tracks.


I turned slowly. It was Oliver. From what I had heard Luciano and the others talk about in the classroom, this was the man who had let Henson escape.

Obviously that still didn't make me safe, but I didn't feel the need to automatically run.

“You're Oliver, right?”

He nodded with a smile. “I'm sorry we have to meet under these circumstances...What's your name, dearie?”

“(name). I should thank you for letting Henson escape.”

“It was nothing…” he muttered, a conflicted look on his face. “You need to hurry and get your friends out of here. They'll kill you all if they find you, and you don't deserve that…I'll try to distract them as long as I can.”

“Thank you…” I nodded before dashing off to find them.

The barricade was still in place when I tried to open the door. This time, Gabe opened it for me.

“We have to go, now,” the tone of my voice caused them to shoot up towards the door. “They killed Hamburg. Henson got away, but we don't have long until they find us.”

Brian nodded. “Let's hurry and go.”

I took Haydn’s hand, allowing Brian to go in front as Gabe and Gordon took the rear.

There were two different exits to the building, all on the first floor. Surely, they knew that though. It most likely wouldn't be easy to get out. If they didn't have someone guarding them, they most likely had tried to block them or something.

Sure enough, when I peeked around the corner that led to the closest exit, Francois, Oliver, and Viktor were standing guard. One of the doors was broken down, meaning this must have been where they had all gotten in from.

I motioned for everyone to follow me away from there so that we could sneak around to the other exit.

Halfway there, I realized something I hadn't thought about when I told them we had to leave.

“Dammit!” I exclaimed under my breath, pulling them into the closest room so we could talk.

“What's wrong?” Gordon asked.

“Henson has the key to the door,” I explained. “We don't have the strength to break it down, either. We have to find him, or we aren't getting anywhere.”

“How are we going to find him with all of those guys searching for us?” Gabe asked.

“It's going to be hard,” I sighed. “But we don't have a choice. Haydn, I don't know how long it will take, so you'll have to come with me. I won't leave you alone. All of those guys are searching the rooms. The only safe place is to hide in those metal closets every classroom has. You three need to go into different classrooms so that they can't find you. Go into the closets and lock them, the keys are in the desk.”

Everyone nodded.

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