rq: castiel

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This imagine was requested by johnsonista227  , thank you❤️

       "CAAAAAAASSS!" You yelled out, "MY FEEEEET HUUUUURT." Cas was in the other room getting the nursery ready. You were so next month and you couldn't wait. You wanted the baby out.

      "(y/n)! What? What do you need? Ice? Chocolate? Pickles?" Cas ran towards you frantically. Even though he had angelic powers, he couldn't take away the pain from pregnancy. It was considered gods punishment since eve ate the apple. Cas tried his hardest to help.

      "No, I just need you to rub my feet. They hurt so bad," you said with a tired smile on your face. Man, being pregnant was exhausting. Cas rubbed your feet until they felt better. He then went back to the nursery to fix it up. He wanted everything to be perfect for you and the baby. You wanted to wait to see the gender of the baby until it's birth so you painted the room a gender neutral color. Cas decided he wanted yellow because it was a happy color. Dean was in the kitchen making a pie. For some reason you were always craving pies. When Dean first heard about it he was excited because there was going to be pie all the time in the bunker. He was less excited when he made the first in and you ate all of it and he didn't get any. He knew the pies were off limits and only for you. Sammy was in the library reading about birth and what to do if you go into labor. He wanted to make sure that you were safe and everything would go alright.

~~~~TIME SKIP TO A MONTH LATER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

       *splash* *scream* *cas is scared*

      Your water had broke while you were doing laundry. Bam. Just out of nowhere.

      "CAS, SAM, DEAN! HELP! MY-MY WATER BROKE!" You yelled out. The boys rushed you to the hospital. Dean decided he would drive since you were in baby.

      "Now (y/n), just-just don't get your erm- juices on baby's seats," Dean said looking at you.


      "Hey! You're saying that like it's an insult."

      "DRIVE," you all yelled at Dean.


      You got to the hospital and they went through the normal hospital things and they got you settled in. Any moment the doctor would come in and deliver your beautiful child.

      "Hello (y/n), I'm Dr. Jones and I will be delivering your baby. Is there anything you need?" The doctor asked.

     "Can we get this going? I need this thing out of me," you said with a frantic smile. The doctor got things going. He never gave you any medicine because you wanted to real experience. Plus, if you were ever tortured, it wouldn't be as bad because you had given birth. 10 Painstaking minutes went by and the baby arrived. It was boy and you named him Jimmy Robert Novak in honor of Castiels vessel. He had Cas's beautiful blues eyes and he look just like him. He was perfect.

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