[1] Runaway

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a/n: Hey guys! This chapter will have abusive scenes in it, so for all of you who don't like that, here's your warning now. :)

Don't forget to vote, comment, bookmark, follow... Everything good! Love all my readers!


"Hey, uh, Sawyer, I was uh, wondering if you might like to catch a movie sometime?" His voice stammered uncontrollably as he nervously ran a hand through his dark brown hair. He looks briefly down at his shoes, then looked up at me, his hazel eyes showing fear yet happiness as well. He forced a small smile. Not hearing my reply he tried to instantly take back what he said. "But I mean, you don't have to if you want to." He stammered quickly, trying to spit out the right words from his jumbled mind. "It was just a suggestion, I mean-"

"Alec, I would love to." I interrupted him, smiling softly as he exhaled deeply, a real smile beaming.

"Well then. Uh, can I pick you up tonight maybe? At seven?" His small, frail voice disappeared and the hearty boy I grew to know shoved his way out.

I nodded, "Yeah. That sounds great actually. See you at seven then?" I smiled, tucking my books to my chest as I shifted my weight nervously. I tried my best to hide my nervousness, and truthfully I was doing a pretty decent job.

"See you at seven." He nodded, a gleaming white smile perking from his lips. He turned to leave and continue walking down the hall, as he stopped. "See you later, Sawyer."

"See ya' Alec." I replied, turning my way as I heard his shoes walk the opposite direction. I gave a small smile to myself, as I walked away to the exit door, counting down the hours until Seven O'clock.


Sawyer's POV:

"Ellie, you need to go to bed!" I looked down at my three year old daughter, who was surprisingly as hard-headed as me. It seemed as though every night we had to have this conversation, over and over again, and every time she'd use the same excuse- I'm not tired...

She shook her head in protest as I let out a defeated sigh. It was way past her bedtime, and lord knows how long it'd take for her to finally be tamed. I didn't know when Alec would be back, but he was either drinking with friends or doing something else bad with friends. Either way, I just hoped he'd be in an alright mood tonight. Which I doubted, as I glanced at the door before looking back at Ellie.

"Ellie, can you please go to bed? Do want to make daddy angry?" I pleaded to her, crouching down to where I was her level. With that last phrase she seemed to perk up.

"Okay, fine. I'll go to bed."

I internally jumped for joy as I picked her up, caressing her in my arms as I headed up the stairs carefully. Ellie seemed to watch the door the whole climb up, until we entered her dark room. I flipped in her lamp, setting her on the bed. She hustled under her pink covers, holding her teddy bear close. It was ragged, had stuffing constantly flowing out of it so it seemed, and had one of its button eyes missing, which scared the hell out of me truthfully. She called him, Chubbs the Bear, for some odd reason.

"You got Chubbs?" I asked as I pulled the comforter over her, tucking her in gently. She nodded, looking up at me with scared eyes. I knew she was tired, and I knew why she didn't want to go to sleep. I didn't blame her. I kissed her forehead, inhaling her Green Apple shampoo, as I finally pulled away.

"Love you, Jelly Belly." I said, messing up her hair a tad as she replied with a small smile.

"Love you too Mommy."

Her voice was so tender and frail, it broke off a piece of my heart every time she used that scared tone of voice with me. I push the sadness out of my mind as I force a smile down to her, clicking on her pink night-light, as I turned off the lights. I slowly walked out the door, quietly shutting it behind me.

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