letter forty.

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letter forty.

dear you,

yeah, okay.

i knew you were an ass,
but i didn't know you were this big of an ass.


-me, for the last time. really this time.



oh hey...
don't kill me eep

okay okay so this is not the end!!!
we've still got a ways to go, so don't give up on this story!

please vote and comment if you want to see what happens next after they've both said goodbye!! lemme tell you now, the next chapter, is unexpected and crazy! comment what you think might happen!!

let's get 120-150 votes?? i know you guys can do it, especially if you wanna see if they keep sending letters!! thank you <3

(i may sleep in tomorrow, so idk what time i'll post, but if i wake up and there's the set number of votes, i'll post asap!)

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