twenty forth letter back.

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twenty forth letter back.

dear aspen,
remember when you did the things about what you love and hate about me?
yeah, i'm gonna try it out.

so, here we go.

things i love about aspen [insert middle name here] lawrence,
a list by lane felix [now you know my middle name.] warner:

-i love the way you scrunch up your nose when you're tired. [you do that in history and physics a lot. turns out we have three classes together, and lunch. but you probably already knew that.]
i know you're tired, because you yawn right after.
physics can be a bit boring.
-i love your hair.
it's like a light golden color like with colors all mixed in. like light browns and light blondes. it's wispy, and i want to run my hands through it.
i want to mess it all up.
i think you'd be angry if i did, but i bet you're really cute when you're angry.
you're always cute.
plus, it looks really soft.
-i love that you never tie your shoes.
but it makes me nervous when that happens, because i don't want you to trip.
-i really love the way you play with your hands.
you're always doing it.
twiddling your fingers,
tying them in knots.
i want to wind my hand with yours.
i bet i'd love that a lot more.
-i love that really light pink shirt.
you know, the tight one?
the one that's low cut and kind of see-through?
yeah, that one.
[sue me, i'm still a guy.]
-i love every thing about you, fuck.
i could keep going, but jesus this letter could go on for days, and my pen doesn't have that much ink.
-i'll stop on a good note:
i love that you were able to fall in love with me, once.

things i hate about aspen,
a list by lane:

-i hate that you don't write me anymore.
-i hate your mets shirt that you wear every thursday.
really aspen?
the mets?

that's all.
that's all i can think of that i hate about you.

-lane, who's three hundred and twelve percent sure he's absolutely in love with aspen lawrence.


i like this one a lot, and i'm hoping you do too!!

sooo, since it's pretty long and you get a lot of sweet lane, and also, *spoiler* aspen writes back next letter, i'm gonna say we gotta get 300 votes, because i know you guys can do it bc you've done it before!! you can call me mean or whatever but yeah.

anyways, the faster you vote the faster i update because i'm gonna be driving all day so i'll be checking regularly.

so leave a comment on what you thought of the chapter! and what was your favorite thing on the list(s)? thoughts below!

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