Jack and the Beanstalk

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Once upon a time in a land far, far away... New York City, lived a lad named Jack with his mother, Elaine. Jack's childhood was not the best. His father died when he was very young and his mother was never home, always traveling for work because she was so bereaved by the death of her husband. Jack was a smart boy, but never had many friends because he enjoyed being by himself, reading about dragons and going on adventures over video games or sports like other children his age. Jack loved these stories so much that at night he became a part of them. Every night from ten o'clock to midnight, Jack became a daring knight, or a mighty king, and sometimes even changed into a strong and fearsome dragon! Then Jack would venture out through the town, going on quests to prove his fearlessness and bravery. He would go hunting and kill deer, pigs, and turkeys to feast upon, save princesses from bandits, and collect precious artifacts to add to his collection. But one night, everything went horribly wrong. Jack had found a beanstalk, and on top of the beanstalk in the clouds lived two giants! Now Jack had visited these giants before and they were always very nice to Jack. But on this fateful night, all that would change. Jack and the female giant, named Amayeta, were having some tea when she had to leave, but she welcomed Jack to stay and finish his tea. While Amayeta was gone, Jack was looking around their house and found something very special, a golden egg! "Why, this would be a beautiful addition to my collection," thought Jack, and he took the egg from the giants home, without even finishing his tea. When the giants got home they noticed the egg was gone and were outraged. They climbed down the beanstalk and went searching for Jack.When they reached him, they began to bang on Jack's front door, yelling about how he had stolen from them. But Jack had no memory of this, and was very confused. Nevertheless, the giants had Jack arrested.
While in jail, the judge ordered for a psychoanalysis of Jack because throughout the trial Jack insisted he had no memory of stealing from the giants, also known as the Lockwoods, starting the case study now known as Jack and the Beanstalk. During this analysis, the psychologist realized that Jack had developed dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative identity disorder is when a person removes themselves from a situation and enters a completely new state of mind. It is also called multiple personality disorder. It is considered to be a defense mechanism for people who are going through trauma that is too extreme for their conscious self to handle, so they enter a world where these problems do not exist. In Jack's case, it seems that his loneliness causes these episodes, or Jack's "switching" between personalities. These episodes are also causing insomnia, because when Jack's personality is switched, it isn't sleeping but running around the city. The psychologist first learned of these episodes while watching Jack's cell overnight to study his behavior. At ten o'clock sharp, one of Jack's other personalities woke up. His name was Arthur, and he was the one who stole from the Lockwoods because he is a kleptomaniac, which means he has an addiction to stealing. The reason Arthur views the world as filled with giants and dragons is since Jack did not have a typical childhood, Arthur's mental age is only about five years old. The next day the psychologist ran experiments on Jack to see if he had any other personalities. The psychologist tested Jack by putting him in different situations to cause different emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness, joy, envy, disgust, indignation, serenity, and curiosity. According to the psychologist, the only other personality Jack has is Arthur. So the police searched Jack's home and returned all of the Lockwood's possessions. Jack was released from jail and put on nightly narcotics to control Arthur. In response to Jack's illness, Elaine moved them out of the city to a small town where they could start new and got a job where she was able to stay home more and repair her relationship with Jack. At this new school, Jack was able to make friends and even found a partner named Jamie. Jack even began to read other genres of book, such as science fiction and historical fiction. And they all lived Happily Ever After. The End

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