Chill day..

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Alex's pov

Lauren told me that we were going to have a chill day so Lauren says get into your comfy clothes  so I get into my joggers then she gets I to her baby pink t-shirt  and her joggers  then she say I'll make some brownies 🔔🎆🎇🎉  I help her by reading the instructs to her then she puts them into the oven then she says if I want to snuggle and watch a movie I say okay  she get in the blankets then I join her she lays on my lap then after a couple of minutes s I fall asleep then she calls me I wake up to see duck then she says turn around   then I see baby dino she laughs then I go back to sleep.......... I wake up to see Lauren kissing a another boy and he was fousy  I got mad 😡😈I mean really mad then she turns around then she screams I walk closer and closer she backs away  in till I throw a fist BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP  I wake up omg it was just a dream why would I I throw a fist a my little petunia?  Why just why  well that was a crazy dream.....

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