It's just one year...

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Lauren's pov 

No one uhg I said I fell deep into the bed then the nurses said your free to go so I hop out of the bed then they give me paper work I fill it out then I leave I get into my car then I drive to my apt  then I open the car door because it was getting hot and my car was a mess so I clean out my car but then I see pic of me and Alex hugging and kissing I was so made I ripped them up I look at my hands to see what I have done I started to cry  because they were my favorite ones  my car is all cleaned but now I need to  get a car wash  so I hop in my car then I pay 1$ the car is all cleaned I head home then I sit on my couch  then I hear the door knock I open it and I see mark dohner? Why is he hear  he says hello then I sit on my couch he follows  then he says  let's catch up so how's life I  said horrible he says oh why  alex broke up. With me  mark says why because I pushed him on the streets why he says because he was going to kill Logan why he says  because he told him to fake kiss me but he kissed me for real for a prank lobbed mark said so your single yeah but just for one year alex said he needs a little break  oh  mark said he goes into kissing me I try to push him back but then he started to makeout with me for like a hour I finally break free the I'm blushing? Why I don't like mark mark walks out the door  the I start to breath again so I jump into bed with out alex the bed wasn't warm  I hated it I had to take like 50 blankets to be warm then I fall asleep

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