instagram=group chat=real life

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colesprouse: iloveyouuuu💜

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colesprouse: iloveyouuuu💜

63.9k likes | 34.7k comments

[tagged : chloexdemarco]


usera: ew shes not wearing a bra.

userb: i know right usera

chloexdemarco: iloveyoumoree bbyy 💙

userc: lilireinhart kjapa camimendes

kjapa: wth?

lilireinhart: umm.

camimendes: okay.

userd: wtf bro luk at dis usere userf

usere: who tf she thinks she is

userf: ew, dont u guus know she has this eating dissorder thing. does colesprouse knows?


chloexdemarco: breakfast w/ mah luv💙, ps he looks like a idiot😂60

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chloexdemarco: breakfast w/ mah luv💙, ps he looks like a idiot😂
60.9k likes | 24.7k comments
{tagged: colesprouse}

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{ madz, camz, daddy cooper, fake ginger , queen bish}

camz 🌸:

yaaaa i did, and hu the heck is chloe? 

queen bish:
his girlfriend shes the famous girl on school.

fake ginger:
im hanging out with them right now.

daddy cooper:
wtf where are you guys?

camz 🌸:
aye dani pick us up where here at madz house.

queen bish:

daddy cooper:
kj where are you guys?

fake ginger: 

we going to McDonald's​ right now. hurry.


i quickly go inside my car and go to madelaine's house.

couple minutes later.

" wow dami ur fast" camila said

"get in hurry" lili said

couple minutes later..

we freaking saw them

"okay u guys need to look normal, like we didn't know that they are here also." madelaine said

"okay lets go" camila said

as we walked inside cole and chloe saw us.

were like this squad goals af

"heyy kj" I said

"oh hey guys what are you doing in here" he said playing it too

"oh you know just to have fun. do you wanna join us?" i asked

"nehh I'll just stay here." he said

"well okay then see ya later kj" i smiled and walk away.

lili ordered us some 3 bff fries and three mc chicken cause madalaine is vegan so she just got some diet coke .

i was tooo excited to eat (okay i wanna go to McDonald's now whyyy
:( a/n)

and now we are like laughing cause kj is really uncomfortable because the two hoes are like smashing their faces into each others faces like who tf does dat on public. 

camila saw kj tell something to the two of them and they both agreed

and he sat with us.

"soo?" i laughed

"i dont like seeing them i dont wanna hang with chloe and cole shes a so chirpy like ew." he paused

"and when cole took that picture on instagram she has no bra on. like who does that on public? kendall jenner? even tho shes mah luvz?" he said and took some fries 

"well like lets go guys and while like we walk we are going to laugh like idiots and leave them because they are bugging me right now" lili said 

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is really short its because i got writers block sooo yeaah.

And also make sure to stay tuned for more updates.

Byeee lovess 🤗
X Maria

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