Chapter Twenty-Nine: Little Time

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Rose sat in the cafe waiting for Jungkook to walk through the door at any minute. However, no matter how much she looked at her watch. She realized that he was 20 minutes late. She wasn't angry but she was more worried. 

The twenty minute wait, then turned into an hour. 

All the calls and text she had sent him made her overthink the situation. There was no reply, no call, nothing.. She ran her fingers in her hair out of frustration. The last resort was to call Jennie. 

When Jennie picked up, it relieved Rose to finally listen to someone's voice. 

"Hey, you're out with Jimin right?" Rose asked. 

"Mmm. Actually, he left an hour ago" She said. 

Rose's brows scrunched together and adjusted the phone to her ear much better. "Wait, what?" 

"Yeah, he said the boys had to go back to the company and practice. Did... Jungkook not tell you?.." 

Rose closed her eyes for a few minutes and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "No..." She gritted through her teeth. 

"You're saying that the kid stood you up?" Jennie clarified in her bitchy tone. 

"Y-yeah. HA, he fucking did..." Rose laughed hysterically to shadow over her anger that was brewing inside her. 

"If you don't kill him, I will" Jennie said. 


Rose avoided the 20 missed phone calls from him and continued to lay back and strum the chords on her guitar.  It was almost midnight and she knew what she was doing to him was torture. However, it was a taste of his own medicine. 

She calmly hummed to the new song she was attempting to learn. Then another call came from him. She rolled her eyes back and stared at the ringing phone. 

She knew he wasn't going to let her sleep. Finally she answered.

"Rose??!?" She heard him cry out. 

She let out a quiet tsk. 

"Rose, I'm so so sorry.." He pleaded. 

She stayed quiet on the other line and listened to this words filled with guilt. 

"I know I messed up, I should've called you and tell you. I was so caught up with the rehearsal plans that I completely forgot about our date. Please forgive me?.... Rose...?" 

Rose let out a sigh. She layed down on her bed and closed her eyes. 

"Wanna know how long I waited Jungkook?" She said with a bitter tone. 

She heard him sigh on the other line. It took him awhile to comeback and answer her. 

"I-I know.." 

He knew nothing. That made her pissed. "You- you don't know Jungkook. I waited almost two hours for you! Do you know how worried I was? You didn't call or text me anything.." She fired back at him. 

Dear Jungkook, Love RoséWhere stories live. Discover now