It was because of you [ending]

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It was early in the morning. 5am to be exact. Jungkook had packed the night before.  All of his belongings were ready to go. He had sighed at the long flight he was expecting and the departure of leaving home once again. Then a thought of Rose came to mind. 

"Oh fuck" He said to himself. 

He almost for the envelope that was left on his night stand. He shoved it in his backpack and left the apartment. 


Rose got up quickly and threw on her worn out vans. She tied her long hair into a messy ponytail and headed out the door. She checked her watch and realized she should hurry and go. 

Rose finally arrived at the airport. 

"Yah! What about this??" Her manager unnie hollered at her. However, she was too late. Rose was already running toward the entrance of the airport. 

"Aish~ this girl.." Her manager held up the jewelry box and then sat it back down in the passenger seat as she searched for a place to park. 

Rose panted and looked around trying to see if she could spot him. 

"It's 6:30 in the morning why the hell is there so many people?" She complained to herself.

She walked hastily around and continued to talk to herself, "Oh yeah, forgot... it's fucking Seoul".

Rose halted when she finally noticed him sitting and scanning his watch. She jogged up to him but then stopped. She decided to scare him. She pounced over and he was of course unaware of his surroundings. 

She made him jump as she muffled her hand around his mouth. He panicked and threw his head back fast. 

"Boo" She laughed. 


She gave a not so guilty crooked smile at him and threw her hands around his neck. She gave him a surprise kiss to make up for the unpleasant greeting. "Have a good flight okay?" She smiled at him. 

He rubbed his forward against hers and said, "I'mma miss you.." 

She looked at his features that was so close her. She ran her fingers through his messy curls. "Me too.." 

He kissed her passionately not caring that his members, team, and managers were all present. 

When he broke the kiss he whispered to her saying, "I won't stop missing you until I'm with you".

Rose continued to fight her tears. She bit her lips as they quivered. Jungkook noticed he expression. He kissed her forward and that definetly broke her. The tear she tried so hard to hold back had finally escaped. 

Their flight was boarding and Jungkook made sure he was the last person to get on just so he had time to look at her one last time. 

Rose waved him a light goodbye and tried holding back the rest of her emotions until he left. He waved one last goodbye and when he disappeared she let another tear finally escape. 

"Love you..." She said in a whisper. 

Rose walked back to her manager's van sad and depressed. When she entered the car, she leaned back on her seat tiredly. She let out a sigh and her manager unnie looked at her red rimmed eyes. 

"Rose... you forgot something..." Her unnie handed her the jewlery box Jungkook had gave her last night. 

Rose rubbed her thumb against the box and opened it. When she did, she couldn't believe it. 

"Is that your ..." Her unnie pointed at it. 

"It is...." Rose continued. 

Rose lifted up the dangling bracelet. "it's my lucky bracelet..." 

Rose's sad expression changed and it was brightened up with a smile. She flipped the chain over and noticed something different on the banded charm. She squinted to adjust her eyes at the engraved letters. 

J ♥︎ R 


Jungkook sat in his seat next to Taehyung. He leaned back tiredly and closed his eyes for a brief moment. 

"You okay?" Taehyung comforted him. 

"No..." He replied. 

"You'll see her again" He held Jungkook's hand.

Jungkook opened his eyes and mouthed the word 'thanks' to Taehyung. Jungkook finally adjusted himself and skimmed through his backpack making sure he had everything. Passport, id, credit card, cellphone, etc. 

"Do you have chapstick?" Taehyung asked. 

"Yeah hold up" Jungkook reached in the very front pocket of his backpack and realized his fingers met something else than his chapstick. 

He took out the envelope Rose had gave him last night. 

"Promise me you won't open it until tomorrow?" 

Jungkook frantically ripped it open. He pulled out the hand written letter from her. 

His eyes wandered at it and finally he spreaded it out to read it properly. 

Dear Jungkook, 

Jungkook shi, that day you bumped into me was the first day you bumped into my life. I now know that love at first sight is real. I am proud you're doing what you love the most,  I want to see you smile, laugh, cheer, cry, for happiness. Whenever I look at you being bright, I can't help but feel renewed. You make me begin again. So thank you. Thank you for coming into my life.. You're my source of happiness. Be healthy and comeback home safe to me. "If I know what love is, it is because of  you".

P.s. don't forget to text me, you brat.. 

Love, Rose 


Jungkook's teardrops fell on top of the paper one by one.. Towards the end of the letter he slightly laughed at her P.S. note. However, he silently sobbed to himself. Taehyung didn't ask why but he knew. He grabbed Jungkook into his embrace. 

"Hyung..." He cried. 

"Shhh.. it's okay.." 

"How did I get so lucky?.." He sobbed. 


Dear Jungkook, Love RoséWhere stories live. Discover now