Summer Break

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July 18th ..

i invited stank over my house , we chilled outside, played basketball, talked about memories, popped fireworks, and ate fruit and chicken.. & I let my baby write in my yearbook ..
we can't keep our hands off of one another .. we kept hugging and kissing .. but while I was sitting on the freezer, bae was between my legs & she kept fingering me .. I couldn't keep calm & she just kept going .. later on that night we went back into the garage , and we started kissing again & bae started sucking on my neck .. i instantly went crazy , she started lifted my legs , moving my panties to the side & going head first ..
I went crazy , I started fingering stank and sucking on her neck while she was still fingering me .. ik she liked it because she kept moving my finger where she wanted it to go.. after I finished , I started sucking on my fingers & that really made baby happy .. then we ended it with a passionate kiss .. I walked bae to the stop sign, and we kept kissing . I didn't wanna leave her .. that's my whole heart fr .

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