third person/

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Its been a year since Hope was taken from the Mikealsons. After Freya put hopes magic into her favorite stuffed bunny Klaus zoomed up to the attic and got a sliver white oak dagger and stabbed Elijah in the heart with out no words were spoken they didnt need to be. Klaus had every right to put Elijah down. Klaus' siblings all look at him.Told them
"Im not sorry. Until we find hope he will be in the attic. Its his fualt we lost our Hope. Fryea take his blood try a spell with location on his line. I want my daughter back." Little did they know they had a witch on there side also. So the tracking spell proved pointless.

"Klaus we need to try to find hope she is 9 now and we cant find her. I want her back. You told her to channel her hybird instincts could freya and Kai do a spell with us to track her?" Hayley asked Klaus
"Come love lets see." They went to see fryea
"Freya, Kai is it possible to try and track hope? While we are in our hybird form?"
"We can try we have done everything even tried to put her magic back and it came back to the bunny. Im not saying she is harmed but its a high possiblity." The parents nodded
"Now change and let me take blood." They did and once Freya was done Kai started to gather a few more ingrediants. And took Fryeas hand.
After they did the spell blood was moving and they found it in the country they were first born in. Freya and Klaus stared at the map.
"Our home country."
"Which is?" Hayley looked at them
"Norway, Europe." Hayley looked at the mikealsons
"What the fuck?"
"We need to wake Elijah and tell him. What were his line is." Freya tells Klaus
"Ill take the dagger out but im not feeding him yet." Klaus tells everyone. Kai looks at the two hybrids.
"You know vampires vs Hybirds would be the best idea. Since your twos wedding the wolves never trained to be hybirds. And you have all seven packs. You can use them." Hayley and Klaus actually thought about it.
"That might be best."
"Question is would they want to fight with us for our child we've ignored them since Elijahs line came around." Klaus looked at Hayley
"Lets go and talk to them. Freya get Rebekah or Kol to undagger Elijah and tell them whats up. Klaus lets go.

***At the Byou

"Niklaus, Hayley what brings you to here finally?" A wolf from the middle pack asked

"We are here to explian things. First off we never ment to ignore you all. A few things came.up with my vampire family Elijahs line showed up wanting to kill me and my hybrid family. And all of you."
"We ignored you so we could protect you all. These guys took our daughter." Hayley continued
"We were hoping for you all not to get involved and later we would of told you what is going on." Klaus told them Hayley contined
That backfired we need your help if your willing. We will teach you how to fight as a hybrid. We need to fight vampires. Our bite/blood is deadly to them. Only a select few know the cure."
"What happens when we get bitten by them.
"The cure goes both ways. This cure happened to a born wolf changed by magic." Klaus told them they all looked shocked
"So, the orginal." A young wolf said Klaus nodded
"How in the fuck are we gonna get his blood." Hayley and Klaud along with a few others looked at this young wolf confused
"He is standing infront of us Oatis." A elder wolf told him.
"What pack are you from boy?" Oatis looks at them
"Im from the Eastern.
"You should still know who,the Orginal Hybird is. He was the for such a long time.
"I just dont understand. What i heard was that this Orginal never got to meet any wolves." Klaus looks at Oatis
"Come here, Please Oatis." The boy listens and klaus put his hands on,the boys forehead reading his memories. After Klaus took his hand away he pauses and looks at him.
"Your part of the pact that i first changed. Or was part of them. When i was looking for them you ran away. Smart move there. But now im your leader. Running away from me isnt an option. You know the ledgens of me you know what ive done. Dont assume you dont know anything about me. That goes for all of you! Im a ruthless person youve all heard my stories youve all know where i come from. Oatis to answer your question im the cure im your.king.and you oatis are part of my people. The elderly you see walking around you is my born into pact. You shall respect them."
"I do..." Hayley put her hand on Klaus
"Dont. We need them." Klaus steps back from Oatis
"It takes 24hrs for a vampire to die by a wolf bite. 10 hours for a vampire with a hybird bite.
"If any of you get get bitten come to me and i will cure. But fight your way through first me and Hayley will train you." So we trained them. Hayley had our youngest children involed with training but we knew they wont be in the actual fight. So when we were done training for the day we took our 3 youngest and went home.
"They stay here." I told hayley.
"They can be in the same country just not close to the place to fight."
"Fine, we will talk to the others.
"I will stay behind to watch them." Kol suggest.
"Does that mean we are moving to Norway?" Rebekah asked klaus knowing its best to ask that.
"Im not sure yet me and Kol were talking about heading to Scottland but me and halyleys other half lives here. So im not positive just yet.
"That that same family is going to be with us." Kol countered back i spok up
"They mostly know american lands. We cant just move them wolves are native thats like picking davina up  and running to a new country with ansetory magic. She wouldnt be able to practice much." Klaus looked impressed
"You know she is right taking wolves from thier homeland would be vital. We need to come back herr for them.
"Maybe we could hang out for a month there in the European countries and Austrilia butwe need to come back so me and hayley could have our other half close. A few months away from this place wont hurt but the wolves need more practice for our war we will have."everyone nodded and we all went off to do our own thing. I lookee at klaus who was painting
"Will you ever feed Elijah?"
"Soon, maybe whwt his line did was my last straw with him. Me and Tristan never got along but that was becuase i was dating his sister. Lucien and i got along because when we met Tristan and Aurora, he was there servant of course it didnt take long to figure out that Lucien was actually like me in ways having a step parent and other things like that." Hayley looks at Klaus shocked.
When you say parent its save to say mother for him?" He nods
"Lucien and i bonded because of that and we didnt know we could make others like us. So when he died he had my blood and became sired by me. Though by that time he came tonus we were running due to Kol being sloppy and letting Mikeal find us. It was 3 cenuries later did we find Katerina and i wake Finn Kol and Rebekah.
How did you find out about Auroras complusion from Elijah?"
"When i went head to head with Mikeal that centry almost every centry i have gone head to head with him. I have told Lucien he is lucky we ate his step mother because he doesnt have to deal with what i do.
"When Katherine betrayed you how did you know it was elijah also?"
"She wasnt the first nor will she be the last. My little wolf and that is all i will give you on her." Hayley nodded knowing one little thing abot Katherine could set him off.
"Why are you asking these question" klaus asked her
"Im just trying to understand why Elijahs line would take Hope and not try and kill me." Klaus pauses
"While you are the last unsired heart i suggest you keep that quiet. That is info only mikealsons should know." Hayley nodded knowing iy would be pointless to fight him. 
"Klaus when do we start packing for this Norway trip?" He kissed her head 
"Soon my little wolf I promise we will get our little wolf back soon my love"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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