Fight and Reunion

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Yuki's POV

"You are to stay here with the others and protect Taka" I tell Lila sternly. "If the fighting reaches Pride Rock to the pride and run to the Savannah pride. Do not try taking the outsiders on your own" I tell her. "Orion you are her mate, keep her, Taka and the pride safe" I tell him before leaving the cave.

"I thought I told you to take your pride and leave" Simba states as I approached his pride.

"This is my home to Simba and I will defend it. Zira will not take over as long as I live and you can't stop me from fighting. I told the others to leave without me and to go to the Savannah pride. To tell Leo and Sina want is happening here" I tell him. "But this is not their fight, it is mine and your prides fight" I remind him.

"Simba we need everyone we can get, you know Zira won't fight fairly and Yuki is our best fighter" Nala reminds him.

"Very well, but stay close to me" Simba tells us both. "Let's move out, this ends tonight" he roars and we head towards the dam. Where the outsiders would have to pass to get into our land from theirs. We reach it quickly to see Zira standing on a rock platform with her pride forming a line either side of her. They were all covered in mud as it starts to rain.

"It's over Simba, I've been dreaming of nothing else for years" Zira states.

"This is your last chance Zira, go home" Simba tells her.

"I am home" she snarls then shouts "Attack!" We all start advancing slowly before running full out after roaring at each other. I head straight for Zira but her third in command Dotty intercepts me.

"I do not wish to fight you Dotty, let me kill Zira and this pointless fighting can end. You can join the pride all of you can" I state as she tried to claw my eyes out.  "Dotty stop this or I'll be forced to hurt you" I growl headbutting her in the side. "Now stay down" I tell her and see Nala in trouble with Vitani.

I run over to help her when Zira talks again and approaches Simba who is surrounded by her pride. "Simba, your mine" she growls approaching him. But I got in the way as she went to strike him from behind. I fall to the ground in pain on the right hand side of my face. "That is your own fault Yuki, you could have been a princess. But you choose the wrong side" Zira states.

Simba stands over me growling at Zira saying "your battle is with me, leave Yuki alone." They start to circle each other as all the fighting around us stops. Nala comes over to me and helps me stand as Simba raises his paw claws out along with Zira.

But suddenly before they could strike Kovu and Kiara jump down in between them. "Kiara, Kovu get away from their" I roar.

"Move" Zira tells Kovu placing her paw down.

"Stand aside" Simba tells Kiara.

"Daddy, this has to stop" Kiara tells him.

"You're even weaker then I thought, get out of the way" Zira tells Kovu.

"You'll never hurt Kiara or Simba not while I'm here" Kovu tells her standing proud.

"Stay out of this" Simba tells Kiara pleadingly.

"A was king and queen once told me we are one" Kiara says looking between Simba and I. "I didn't understand then, but now I do" she says smiling.

"But they..." Simba starts to say.

"Them us, look at them they are us, what difference do you see?" she asks us.

"None, your right Kiara" I say sitting down. Simba hugs his daughter as Zira looks at Vitani.

"Vitani now" she orders.

"No mother, Kiara's right enough" Vitani says joining Kovu's side.

"Your mother would be proud of you both" I tell them as the rest of Zira's pride joins us.

"Where are you going? Get back here" Zira demands.

"Let it go Zira" Simba tells her.

"It's time to put the past behind us and for them to know their true parentage" I say pointing at Vitani and Kovu.

"I'll never let is go!" Zira states. "This is for you Scar" she says and lunges at Simba. But Kiara tackles her and they both go off the cliff side together.

"Kiara!" Simba, Nala, Kovu and I shout running to the edge. I see her on a ledge as Simba jumps down to get her. I Zira hanging on by her claws on the side of the cliff as the dam breaks.

"Simba the river" Nala and I shout as him.

"Want did you mean by true parentage?" Vitani asks distracting me from what was happening.

"Zira was never yours of Kovu's real mother, your real mother's name was Tami and she was one of my best friends along with Nala. But when your mother died Zira took responsibility for you at Scar's order. When Simba defeated Scar she had already left with you both" I explain.

"Kiara" Nala says in relief and I turn to see her hugging Kiara. I run over and hug her too then Simba. While Kovu hugs Kiara.

"Kovu, I was wrong you belong here" Simba tells him. "Let's go home" Simba announces.

"All of us" I say looking at Zira's pride. "Vitani, I think it's best you lead Zira's old pride" I tell her as we head to pride rock. "Your mother would be so proud of you and Kovu" I say smiling.

"Can you tell us more about her?" Vitani asks.

"Of course, and Nala will tell you more then I can" I say smiling. We reach pride rock and I run to the cave to see my children ok. "It's over Zira's gone and her pride has joined ours" I tell them. They all cheer as we leave the cave as it stops raining.


Gif above of the fight starting.

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