Date Night

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"Guys, I think we should go on a date," I suggested one day as I sat on the love seat, Alex's head n my lap, my fingers raking his scalp,
"A date?"
"I can't believe I haven't noticed we've never been on a date before," Herc laughs,
"We can't go on a date, people would stare-" John starts but I raise a hand at him,
"I don't care, we're in love, we're in a relationship, we deserve to dress up and go out and have a nice dinner, or go to see a movie or go have a picnic in the park, our relationship is no different than anyone else's we just have five members." I gently lift Alex's head from my lap,
"But Chéri-" Laf goes to defend but I shake my head standing up,
"I'm going to buy a new dress, I'm going to go get my hair done, I'll be back around eight, I'll make reservations for the restaurant down the street. I stand, clapping my hands, "We're going on a date!
Before we walked into the restaurant, I watched Herc readjust all the boy's ties, placing quick pecks to their lips, before I took John and Laf's hand, thumbs running over their knuckles to reassure them we'd be fine, I walked in and smiled at the man at his stand, " The last name is Y/L/N, with the table for five," He smiles, and instructs someone named David to lead the way to our table. It was a circular table, so no one felt left out, Laf sat on my right side, John on my left, next to Laf was Herc and next to John was Alex. I picked up a menu, "I want spaghetti, what do you want boys?"
"I want tacos," John whines,
"They have tacos, babe," Alex flips through his menu to the tacos and shows them to John, who pumps his fist in the air,
"I want whatever you want," Laf nudges me,
"I want a salad,"I look to Herc,
"Is that all, love?"
"What kind of dressing?"
"Uh, Italian,"
"Okay, Alex, baby what do you want?" My eyes flick to him,
"I also want tacos, but the baked spaghetti looks delightful, or I could have the lasagna," I laugh at his indecisiveness,
"How about all three?" I suggest and he looks up at me as if I was going insane,
"Y/N, darling, you know I would not be able to eat all that," He taps his chin, twice, "I'll have the smoked salmon, with the asparagus,"
The waitress came after minutes after we sat, "Hello, what can I get you to drink?"
"Whoa! They have strawberry, Fanta?"
"A water, with a lemon,"
"I'll take a Dr.Pepper, please. Also, we're ready to order..."
The waitress comes back with our food, about forty-five minutes after we've ordered and we begin to eat in peace until, "I'm sorry, I can't help but ask, what is going on here?" I look over my shoulder to find an older couple next us,
"I'm sorry?" I cough,
"I mean, you all refer to one another a love, or dear, or darling, sometimes chéri-" She trails off hoping I would get the point,
"Oh, you're asking if we're dating, yes. We are all in a relationship, together," I smile and turn back around, the older woman also turns around and continues her dinner with her husband, I assumed.
"I told you, people would stare, ask questions-" Laf grabs my hand under the table and rests his head on my shoulder,
"It's okay for people to have questions," I reassure them as we continue to eat,
Alex waves the waitress over, asking for the check, as we are nearly finished eating, "Yes, sir coming right up," The waitress beamed, I couldn't help but notice her eyes lingering on Alex's lips, I wasn't the only one as John leans over and grabs Alex's hand, sending a glare toward the waitress,
"We'll take that check now," Herc coughed, knowing his boys,
"Yes, sir, sorry," The waitress scurries off, and I laugh shaking my head,
"People are out of control," Laf grumbles, grumpy, his hand squeezing mine,
"Yeah, we appreciate the effort babe but I think I speak for us all when I say we'd rather stay home and cuddle on the couch and binge watch Netflix then have to come out and deal with this," John sighs, I take the last bite of my spaghetti,
"Agreed," I laugh, wiping my mouth, the other boys smiling in success, "Cuddles and Netflix is way better than this...any day,"
"Especially cuddles with me," John pipes up, smirking,
"No Chéri, cuddles with me are the best, are they not?"
"Of course, they are," I glare out at the boys, kissing Laf's forehead, they all roll their eyes,
"Yay!" He smiles,
"Here's your check," The waitress coughed, cheeks still flushed from earlier,
"Oh, leave her alone, the poor girl didn't know," I send a sympathetic look her way, the others at the table glaring at her, "Here, take this," I slide her a fifty, "You've earned it," She thanks me, grabs the checkbook and rushes off, "God, it has been a long night, I just want to take a hot shower, and then cuddle until I fall asleep," I groan, stretching as I go to walk out the restaurant the boys following closely behind,
"With me of course," I could practically hear the smug smile in Laf's voice,
"Look at what you've started," Herc sighed, I looked over to find him shaking his head,

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