Looking at the jury, waiting for them to just say something. I don't know what I told that officer. Why did they have to put me through a trial?
I haven't said anything in a month.
Just send us away. Why can't they just let us go to where ever they send people like us. It is a civil danger for us to be around people. I think we would like jail, lots of cold blooded killers like us.
No stop talking.
I agree, they should send us away. Everyone looks like a target. I think we should gut them
Stop. Who are you. What do you mean us? Where are you. You have been talking to me for a month and I don't know who, where, or what you are. Are you a demon or an illusion, or what? Are you in my head or somewhere around me?
Ha ha ha ha ha. You haven't figured it out yet? You are hearing us, we are behind you, you will be able to see us soon.
We are your friends. We saw what that bad man did to you and your lil' sis. We want to make it better, we already have. Well he did.
Who is he?
Mr. Aggressive, over here. He killed Robert, with my help, of course. I have the brains; he has the brute. I don't like getting my hands dirty, he loves it. We are opposites. But we worked together, using you, to get revenge.
But its, funny, I didn't think we did anything wrong. But little miss quiet, piped up. Told the officer everything.
Who is little miss quiet? I don't think, ether of you are quiet, you won't be quiet.
It's me.
Shut up! Nobody wants to hear you, tattle tale.
My name is Tibble, not tattle tale, and not little miss quiet.
Yes, but you are. I prefer you when you are quiet.
OK, all of you be quiet!
"Miss, would you, please step forward to the stand." the judge said.
As I step forward, everyone stars at me.
"Did you do it?" says the Judge.
"i don't know?" I say honestly.
"Would you be willing to take a lie detector test?" he says.
Do it.
You are going to jail if you do.
We deserve to go to jail. Look you didn't do it.
"Yes" I say.
I am not allowing this. I did it, me Sane.
Oh, would you shut it. I did the thinking I made the plan, and, I Cal, killed him why should you go to jail, for us?
Some officers rolled a machine in, and hooked it up to me.
"Miss, did you kill Mr. R. H. Mint?" says the judge.
"There is no correct answer, if we say no we are lying, but if we say yes we are also lying." says Cal, through me.
"How is that possible?" says the DA.
"You see, none, of us can take the full blame. One of us, did the dirty work, the other did the plan, and finally one told on us, technically, she had no play in our part," Cal continued.
"How long have you been on medicine for MPD? The Judge asked.
"I never have." I say.
The jury is ready," Guilty."
"I do not believe that you did this, of your own will. Therefore, I say you need a physiologic evaluation, and then you will be instituted in Meon Asylum, until proved sane." he says.
Horror"How has it come to this? Why did i do it. Because he deserved it. What have i done!" A girl is torchered mercilessly, but her time for revenge has come. What will she do to the man who hurt her? What are the consequences for this 18 year old.