Part 1
Yay, I finally get to talk. Me Tibble, I'm in charge. I look over to Mrs. Fern.
"H-hi." I say. My voice is so quiet.
"Hello," she says, "Am I speaking with Mr. Tibble?" she asks.
"I-I'm a g-girl," I stutter.
"OK, well what do you have to say miss?" She asks
"I-I w-want to w-warn you. My brothers are manipulative, they killed that guy." I say.
"OK, why?" she asks
"He killed Angel's family, hurt them real bad. Hurt Angel real bad, too. That isn't when we decided angel needs us. We've been with her sense she was about three. She needed us then she needs us know more than ever. I think that you can help her." I say
"Why did she need you?" she asks.
"I-I can't say, it's too private, she said let the past stay in the past." I say.
"Why is it private? And she who? Does it have to do with Angel's father?" she asks.
I shake my head, "Can't say." I laugh, "I wanna go now, Sane wants to talk, to you.
I can just close my eyes, and ......
Part 2
My turn.
"OK, Frizzy lady." I say.
"I guess I am talking to Mr. Sane." she says
"The one and only. I have to say, you have a lot of questions. That annoys the crap out of me. And please wipe that irritated look off your face, it makes you look so unprofessional." I say, smiling at her evilly.
"I hear you are brutally honest. Do you care to elaborate?" she asks.
"Do you care to elaborate?" I mimic. "No the hell I don't. I don't care to do anything, so you can take your psychology crap and shove it," I say.
"I also hear you are rude. I see that's true. But I need to help Angel, so can you say what you want to say so I can talk Angel." she says.
"Oh, look who just finally cut the nice person crap. Now we can talk, ask away Mrs." I say.
"Did you kill Mr. Mint?" she asks.
"Yes, and no. Cal created the plan. Step 1, use the car to knock him out. Step 2, toothpicks, then let him talk, I didn't like what he said, so I cut off his nuts. After that, I got to do my own thing carving into him, screwing into his hips, burning him, and finally slitting his throat. Step 3, burn it down. Tibble had to open her big mouth, and she ruined the plan." I say evilly.
"Would you pleases tell me why she needs you." she says.
"Because, there have many bastards to screw over her life, and we help take away the pain of it. We choose not to say, it's pretty bad, I mean she is so broken, and I think maybe you should shove off, cuz' you need to leave her past alone. Besides its safer for us here. So get your poufy, nerdy little---"she cut me off.
"That's enough, I hate to tell you this but you need to get off that high horse and calm yourself because I am just here to help." She says.
"Whatever I'm not good at all your psychological BS. You should talk to Cal."
"Can I?" she says
"Yeah, your squeaky high pitched voice gives me a head ache" I just close our eyes and......
Part 3
OK let us see she is very smart, early to late 20's, female, slightly agitated and seems to be done with my brother, Sane. She will try to be nice, then I will show her what I am, so she will get upset and should leave.
"Hello, am I talking to Mr. Cal?" she asks in a forced niceness.
Might as well platy along," Yes ma'am, I am Cal. I am the most Rationally irrational voice of Angel's you will meet. I chose to never show anger or emotion, so I ask you not to seek that of me, but I will tell you all you need to know. She went insane after her little sister was born, that's when she started listening to us, but it is not her fault she simply could not deal with life anymore." I say.
"OK can you tell me why she needs you?" she says.
"Well... Maybe, I mean what do I say... you put it so nicely..." I say, my voice a monotone. I mean for it to be sarcastic. I pretend to think it over.
"You don't want to tell me what happened to Angel, so please tell me what you can so I can end this session." She says," you obviously will not tell me why you have scars, everywhere. Why does she wake up screaming. Why she is scared... so just tell me something,you will be 19 in a few days 13, actually so just get on with this."
"If you want to know the truth, first, you need to know, me and Sane are girls, so it sucks that you called me and Sane Mr. Also, we have always had nightmares. So that's all I will say today. End your little session.. because I can see through your bubbly little act. You look like you took this job to do a little good, and all you do is help wacko's, who only make you want to never come to work again." With that she turned and left.
Horror"How has it come to this? Why did i do it. Because he deserved it. What have i done!" A girl is torchered mercilessly, but her time for revenge has come. What will she do to the man who hurt her? What are the consequences for this 18 year old.