After cooking for the demons again...
Yusei: Nooooooooooooo!!!
... The gang sat down and relax. Sans sat in a corner plotting Yusei's demise, Chara and frisk snuggled, the kids play tag and wrestle with Undyne,(Yusei healed her up) and everyone else was eating, cooking or conversing.
Multifandomguy: Hey Chara, nice battle.
Chara: Thanks. You did good too. Nice sword.
Multifandomguy: Thanks
Toriel: I hope you are okay my child?
Chara:Oh I'm good goat mom. Yusei healed me up.
Toriel: Oh that was nice of him
Papyrus: METTATON! Why are you touching me so much? Is it because you adore my abs?
Mettaton: Oh yes darling. That and oh so much more.
Toriel: I should probably stop Mettaton before he does something inappropriate infront of the children
Yusei: Hey Tori! After your done with that, help me and Pap with the food.
Toriel: Coming!