Moving Where?

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Okaii so guys im gonna write 2 chapters this morning.Believe it or not i had to figure out where im going with this story. I now know so here we go.




Justice P.O.V

So i woke up this morning feeling a little queazy. I dont know bit it feels like something big will happpen.Uggghhh i hate this feeling. I have schoool today so i went and showered,pressed the number 4 on my closet ( which is my summer collection) ,and put on: a black bandeau, pink studded vest, faded high waisted denim shorts. Yea i know you guys may be thinking "isnt it winter"? But thats one of the upsides of living in Miami.NO WINTER BISHESSS!!!! lol

I just wonder what my dad is going to say.

Justice: (walkes downstairs and into kitchen) hey mom

Mom: (cooking breakfast) hey swwetie, ohh the outfit us cute but how do you think your dad will feel about it?

Justice: ( bites into apple)i dont know,havent really thought about it.

Mom: and why is that?

Just then D Wade A.KA. dad walks in.

Mom: hey baby ( forms lips into kissing position.)

Dad: (walks over to her and kisses her lips) hey hunny (turns and faces Justice, eyes immediatley widen) What the h-gco

Justice: hey dad(runs over to him and gived him a bear hug)

Dad: (hugs back) mmhhmm now go change

Justice: But dad i- gco

Dad: no seriously sweetie because me and your mom has something to tell you.(looks at mom)

Justice: Mysterious much.....okaii fine i'll brb

Runs upstairs into room and pushes the number 1 on the closet this time.( my fall collection) changes into blck leggings, black tank top, light pink cardigan, and pink uggs.

Justice:( looks in mirror) i guess

(Walks downstairs to kitchen)


Mom&Dad ( both look)

Dad: (walks over to her and kisses her forehead) yes it does, you look very sophisticated.

Justice: No i look boogi like im going to go sip tea with the queen ( said in a british accent)

Mom&Dad: (laughs)

Mom: okaii but on a serious note me abd your dad have something very imprtant to tell you, we know you may not like the decision but im telling you ahead of time its final

Justice: (confused face) ugghh okaii..well what is it?

Dad: We're Atlanta

Justice: (eyes widen) WHAT??!!  OMG!! WHY??!!

Mom:Me and your dad both got a lot of buisness offers that we just couldnt resist

Justice:But mom, dad, my whole life is here in friends, my school, everything..ugghh

Dad: We know sweetheart, and we feel really bad. But the good part is, our new house will be 5x bigger and we'll finally be able to get that new music room you want ( pokes sid) huh huh

Justice: Really?

Mom: yes

Justice:( sighs) well okay

Mom: okay, umm there is no since of going to school  today,we leave tonight @ 8.

Justice: Dang yall dont waste no time do yall?

Dad: Not when its money on the floor

Justice; (laughs) well okaii, but how an i suppose to say goodbye to my friends

Mom: oh you mean yor fanbase?

Justice: haha mom very funny...but seriously

Dad: Cant you just make a tweeting using tweeter

Justice: ( laughs at his failed grammar) dad you mean to say make a tweet using twitter..nd yes i can actually

Dad: well yall new kids today confuse me.You guys come out with the weirdest things. Like this one dance my teamate showed me called th NaeNae a bunch of guys moving around shouting huahhhhh

Justice:(laughs)dad show mwle what he showed you

Dad: he did this ( starts trying to NaeNae) huaaahhh

Mom&Justice: (laughs)

Mom:(walks over to D.Wade)babe no (laughs and puts hand o shoulder)

Dad: I was that bad? (turns to justice)hunny i was that bad?

Justice: (hesitsates) errmmm..yea (busts out laughing)

Dad:well then i see how it is

Mom&Justice: Ya see-gco

Dad:(laughs) no its fine i can believe i was horrible that dance is freaking ridiculous

Mom&Justice:(looks at eachother and nod)

Dad:Wel ladies i would love to stay and chat but i have a couple of thing to finalize at yall (kissed Justice o forehead and Gabriella on lips)

Mom&Justice: bye love you too

Dad:( leaves out and get in car,pulls off)

Mom: (puts hands together) well we have a lot of packing to do ( look at me)

Justice:( looks around) yea i know

Mom; and we'll get to it but first i have to run and errand...coming or nah?

Justice:( laughs) mom dont ever say "or nah" ever again..and no im gonna stay

Mom: ppfft J u just hating  cuz yo momma still got it (starts twerking)

Justice: shake it momma lol

Mom&Justice: (laughing)

Mom: well i have to go real quick hun..give me kiss

Justice:(walks over and kisses her) bye ma

Mom:bye hun ( walks out the door)

Justice: (sighs) forever alone (laugh) (thinks) oh yea gotta make that tweet

Pulls out phone  and tweets

To all my friends i am tweeting to inform you guys im moving to Atlanta today, i gonna miss all of you. Love you guys, bye <3

Within the first 3 minutes i got 10,000 retweets and mentions saying thingslike "oh we're gonna miss u "  and an occasional hater saying "bye bitch we dont care"

Justice(chuckles)this is gonna be a long day.

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