Chapter 6

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A groan escaped my lips as my eyes finally popped open.

What time is it? I wondered, groaning again when I heard the noise of music playing from the room across mine. What are my sisters up to? After a while, the music died down, and I was allowed to drift into half-sleep, only sighing in frustration when my phone rang all of a sudden.

Sitting up in the clothes I'd come back from school with, I bent over the bed to pick up my bag that was sitting at the foot of my bed. I unzipped it, quickly searching it for the device that was ringing. Finding my phone, I unlocked the screen before answering the call.

"Hello?" I muttered into the phone as I rubbed my eyes with my free hand in the semi-darkness. I'd laid down on my hand with my wristwatch when I'd sleep. I was presently having everything from pins and needles to throbbing consistent pain.

I found myself trying to adjust my eyes to the darkness in the room. I hadn't put on the lights when I'd gotten home, leaving me to wake up late in the evening to an almost pitch-black room — it was grey really, but I like to exaggerate.

After a while of squinting into the darkness, I bit my bottom lip, realizing whoever was at the other end hadn't replied.

"Hey! It's Felix. I'm sorry for not saying anything. I dialed your number then walked out for a bit—"

"I was napping. No worries," I yawned into my free hand out of tiredness.

"Oh, okay. Am I bothering you?"

A chuckle left my lips at the question. I'm not sure why I laughed. Maybe it's because he sounded genuinely worried for some reason. Or maybe that's just my mind playing tricks on me. It was adorable either way.

Don't give yourself away Ben.

I let out a cough at my thought, almost dropping my phone in the process. I steadied it against my ear, running a hand through my hair before speaking into the phone.

"You're not bothering me, trust me," I muttered, waiting for a reply. The other end was silent for a while until Felix muttered a small 'okay'.

"Anyway, I was calling to ask if you can send me your email address. I want to mail the digital version of the notes I showed you today to you so that you'll have a copy," he said as I got up from my bed. I hummed to let him know that I was still on the phone with him as I headed to turn the light switch on.

"I'll message my email address to you," I said as the white light from the bulb above drowned my messy room. My study table didn't have any sign of the brown tabletop. It was covered in everything from screws to figurines. Some of my clothes were littered about the place — mostly hanging from the semi-closed drawers for their dear life if I were, to be honest.

I turned towards the small TV set that I had on the left-hand side of my room. Frowning slightly, I noticed that the PlayStation CD area was open. My sisters must have watched something as I slept. I'm that much of a heavy sleeper.

"Oh, okay. I'll message you mine too," he muttered before hanging up. I removed the phone from its place my ear, before making to send my email address to him quickly. I had two, and I briefly had to think over whether I should send him the one I used for school or the one I used to talk to Aiyana, Ben, and Ji-Hun on Google hangouts.

Thinking about it, I sent my personal email instead of the one for school. He'd probably be linked to my Google+ profile when he added me to his contacts, but I didn't use it so much and I highly doubt there was anything embarrassing that I've uploaded.


I got it. Here's mine: FelixJamesMARVEL[at]

6:39 PM.

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