Chapter 10

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Felix and I had been getting along lately. We'd talk on the phone, text each other and hang out when the others had something to do, and I sat at his table in the cafeteria when the rest weren't around. Simon was often there with him. I liked Simon, he was exactly like Felix, just more into alternative fashion.

Things were going so well that I forgot what Ji-Hun and Aiyana had said about Felix and Amanda dating on and off frequently. I'd almost even erased the thought from my mind, my attitude around Amanda during the next council meeting didn't change as well.

Everything was going well until I saw Amanda and Felix talking at a corner of the hall after the meeting ended. Everyone had left—I'd left too. I'd only returned to ask Felix about the color scheme we were supposed to use. I'd stood there for a while watching them talk as they held hands, their eyes fixed on each other as disgustingly wide smiles played on their faces. I left soon after, deciding that I could ask Felix about the color scheme for the school's website later.

"What's wrong with you?"

I blinked, being pulled out of my thoughts at the sound of Ji-Hun's voice. I sighed, realizing what I'd been thinking about. I shouldn't let it get to me so much.

A nudge on the arm was what made me turn towards the seat on the side where Ji-Hun was sitting. He was frowning at me, probably tired of having to remind me that we had work to do. It was IT period, and we were working on an animation video that was supposed to be thirty percent of our term's grade.

"Did I make a mistake by asking you to be my partner?" Ji-Hun asked, rubbing the side of his thin eyes with loose fists.

"No." I shook my head, turning back to the computer I was working on before looking at the time displayed on the bottom right of the screen. Great — I'd zoned out for about ten minutes. That needs to be a new world record.

"No," I repeated again, cursing under my breath. "I'll get to work, sorry for slacking off."


"I'm sorry. I don't know why I wasn't concentrating—"

"Did something happen?"

I looked from my laptop screen to Ji-Hun. His brows were cocked in a worried frown, its intensity making me look away from him. Was it safe to tell Ji-Hun? No one would exactly understand my moodiness unless they knew about Felix.

"Is this about Felix?"

I blinked in panic at the sound of Ji-Hun's words, turning to him with a horrified look.

He knows? I asked myself, trying to calm down. That's not possible... Or, maybe I'm just overthinking things. He probably doesn't know that I like Felix, maybe he's just talking about us hanging out because of the work we have to do together?

"You can stop overthinking this now. I know you like Felix. You're so bloody obvious," Ji-Hun said with a shake of his head. He then turned, as if checking if anyone was listening before he bent his head to the side a bit.

"Okay, now that's out of the way, did something happen?"

"How do you know?" I asked in a hushed tone, ignoring the question he'd asked me. I was starting to wonder if I'm that easy to read. Did he know before I started working with Felix? Was that why he recommended me to the council?

Ji-Hun rolled his eyes, sitting up on the wooden chair before he ran his fingers through his bangs, his fine hair slipping through the space between them, and the bangs eventually settling into a neat fold above his eyes. "I just assumed before, but you kept staring at his table at lunch throughout this term, so what was I supposed to think?"

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