Chapter Thirteen

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Harry POV

I gave a small sigh, turning for what seems like the twentieth time that night. It is currently sometime around five in the morning. 'I am obviously not going to get any sleep tonight, after waking up from a stupid nightmare. Might as well do something worthwhile for the rest of the time before breakfast starts.' Shifting until I reached a proper sitting position, I gently nudged Aeron awake.

~Aeron? I need to ask you a favor

~Yes, what is it? It better be important for you to be interrupting my beauty sleep.

~I need you to spy on Granger, Weasley, and Longbottom for me, and notify me if they find anything out about Fluffy. I replied, giving a small roll of my eyes and a twitch of my lips.

~Fine, but only if you give me juicy rabbits in return.

~Thanks Aeron, don't worry you will get plenty of rabbits in return for this.

Aeron gave a small, satisfied hiss, before going back to sleep. Casting a quick tempus, I found it to, indeed, be five a.m. which leaves three hours before breakfast. Silently getting out of the bed, I head out of the dorm and through the empty common room. 'I haven't gone into my mind to visit Voldie's soul shard in a while. Now seems like a good time to do so. No one will be looking for me for a few hours anyways.' Now having a destination in mind, I calmly walk through the hallways.

It's a few minutes later that I stop in front of the Room of Requirement, opening the door to reveal a slytherin themed lounge room. Partially laying on the couch, my back propped up by the arm rest, I close my eyes. To my, albeit pleasant, surprise, the shard is still there and giving off pulses of emotion. The pulses are a lot weaker now though. 'Maybe it is because of Voldemort's presence being near by? Or maybe the soul shard is simply getting weaker. I doubt that, though.' A silent sigh rushes past my lips, and I settle more into the couch before letting the calm sense of protection and trust from the shard rush over me. I don't understand why or how the shard affects me how it does. Despite the pain whenever Voldemort is nearby and whenever we lock gazes. I should ask Voldie when I get a chance to, if he doesn't over react about the whole horcrux thing and lock me up for "my own protection."

Two hours later, I open my eyes once more and slowly pull away from the shard. Standing, I allow a small smile to grace my features before letting it drop as I walk out the door. Barely two minutes after I am headed back to the common room, I hear McGonagle speaking to someone and headed my direction. 'Great, I can't have her of all people catch me out and about the early. She will get very suspicious and notify Dumbledore.'

I most definitely do not let out a squeak when something tugs on my left arm and unceremoniously shoves me in an empty classroom. I don't dare move until the sound McGonagle's footsteps have faded away.

"What on earth were you doing Harry? She could have caught you." Severus Snape's voice hissed at me, and I turned to catch his gaze.

"Sorry, Severus, I was just practicing DADA in the Room of Requirement. I couldn't sleep, so figured it would be a good idea. I will do better not to get caught next time." Severus narrowed his eyes at me, probably not really believing me. 'I don't really blame him, though, with all the lies I have said so far.'

"Fine, just remember that I won't be there to save you next time. Now get back to your common room." Severus huffed out, before turning and stalking back out of the classroom. Not wanting to stay, so I can be ready before Draco wakes up and hogs the bathroom, I leave a moment later.

Ah hour later, I walk back down to the common room after letting Draco have the bathroom.

"Hey Harry, over here." Looking over towards the fireplace, I see Pansy already sitting along with Blaise.

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