Chapter 18

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I took out the keys to the hotel room Jai and I were staying and I unlocked it, peeked my head if Jai was in there. Well, I don't know if Jai was there because the room was a complete disaster.

I walked in and looked around the room surprised. Did Jai got robbed or something? Then, I saw something come out of the bathroom, wait, I saw someone. Jai?

"Anna?" I heard, who I think it is, Jai, call out my name.

I gave him a confused look, I mean, he's wearing ripped up clothes, he looks like he just came back from diving in a pool of mud with tear strains on his cheek, leaving marks on it.

"It's me. Jai." Jai said as he knew I didn't knew who he was.

"Jai, wh-what happened to you?" I asked him as I walked up to him and looked at him more closer.

"The night you left, I was heartbroken, I'm sorry Anna. I didn't mean to do that, I don't even know why I did that. I guess, I went overboard. Please, don't leave me. I need you." Jai softly spoke as he was holding my hands.

He started to lean in for a kiss and I quickly stopped him. Jai gave me a confused look.

"Take a shower first. I ain't kissing you with dirty lips." I told him and he laughed. Jai went over to his suitcase and pulled out his clothes with a towel and went into the bathroom.

Great. Well I have to clean this mess by myself, I guess. I look around the room and I made a whining sound. Too much work.

So I got out my phone and saw that I had a bunch of text messages. Maybe like 100 or 200 from Makayla, Riker, Ross and Alex!

I quickly opened the text message from Alex. It's been so long since we haven't talked to each other. I quickly sent him a message. Next, Makayla. All her messages are recently like a few minutes ago, saying, "Where are you?" "Are you okay?" "Why did you left?" But her last message made my heart skip a beat, "what's your hotel room number?"

I ignored her messages but locked the door to the hotel room. Next, Riker. Basically they're all "are you okay?" and "where are you?" messages.

Ross's messages are a little more emotional. All his messages have different words, meanings and stuff. Like, "where are you?" "Are you okay?" "Babe?" "I love you, please tell me where are you?" "Baby, I just wanna hold you tight" "tell me where you are. we need to talk" and some were just lyrics "say something I'm giving up on you" "and you say you're scared that I won't be there but baby I swear, I'm not going anywhere"

I smiled since those were lyrics from "Falling for You"

After a few seconds, Jai came out of the shower with black skinny jeans and..... that's it. He didn't put on a shirt.

I don't mind, I mean, he has a great body. Perfect abs and muscles, it's just....

Ejem, ummm he looks good.

"Now would you give me a kiss?" Jai asked and I seriously want to kiss him cause he looks extremely hot without a shirt and his messy hair.

"No. First, we need to clean this mess you made. Then, you get a kiss for a reward" I say and Jai gave me his "oh come on" look.

I shrugged and seconds after, we started cleaning the room. Putting tissues in the garbage, cleaning the bed, putting dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket.

20 minutes later, we finished and I was so tired.

"Now?" Jai asked, clearly asking about the kiss.

I smiled. He's desperate for a kiss. "Now." I answered and Jai walked up to me, put his left hand on my cheek and leaned in slowly.

When our lips touched, it was amazing. We went slow and passionate but it got heated right away. I wasn't comfortable with this. I didn't want to do it.

Jai pushed me to the bed, still kissing me and I laid in bed first, and Jai got on top of me. I pulled away from the kiss to catch my breath. "Jai... I'm not ready."

"Come on, babe. Just once. We've never done it and I wanna feel you." Jai whispered in my ear. Major turn on for me.

Then I heard a loud bang from the door. Jai got off of me, clearly hearing the bang too, and I sat up.

Who is it?

"You better not touch her, Jai! She's not going to do it with you!" Yelled a really familiar voice. Makayla? No, it sounded more like a guy. Riker? Maybe. Ross? There's a chance. Alex? He's not here, he's in Africa, discovering. He left yesterday, he texted me.

So it might be Riker or Ross.

"What makes you think that?" Jai yelled out angrily since we got interrupted.

"I know Anna. She wouldn't do this to me." yep. Ross it is. "Anna, if you can hear me, don't do it with him. Please." Ross begged and I suddenly didn't know what to do.

"Ross? Why are you trying to take her away from me? She's mine! She chose me, not you." Jai yelled even more angrily.

"Anna." Ross said, ignoring Jai. "Please don't do it. Just come out the door and we can fix this. Please."

Jai didn't say anything, instead he looked at me. Waiting for me to pick between him and Ross.

"What about Laura and Brooke?" I asked.

"Anna, forget about them. I want you." Ross replied.

"That's not what you said the other day." I answered him, getting up from my bed.

"What?" Ross asked confused.

"On TV. You said you loved Laura and if Austin And Ally ends, you'll ask Laura out. What if we were dating? A bunch of fans would want you to date Laura. So you'll have to brake up with me and you'll go with Laura and me? I'll be heartbroken, I'll be dead from too much sadness. And I'm not taking that risk." I said as I walked up to Jai.

"Anna, no! You're confusing stuff. Come out and let me explain." Ross begged.

"I'm sorry, Ross. I'm not taking that risk. Now, if you'll excuse Jai and I, we have some business to attend." I replied as I winked at Jai.

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Sorry for not updating a lot! Blame school and homework! Anyways, do you guys think Anna did the right or wrong choice? Vote and comment please!

xoxo, Ariana

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