Chapter 29

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"Thanks. But-" Anna got interrupted by -what I think I heard- a knocking sound, "Hey, Ross. Hang on. I have to answer the door."

"Okay," I replied and decided to get an apple from the fruit basket. My mom has it there expecting my siblings and I to go up to it and grab it like it's chocolate or candy. Mom, it's fruit.

I put my phone on speaker and settled it on the counter as I washed my apple on the sink. Ugh, it takes girls sooo long to tell someone from the door that you're busy and cannot answer. Like... Come on.

I was humming one of the songs from our albums (As in 'our' I mean. R5.) but stopped as I heard a high pitched scream. I know that scream anywhere. If I was in a concert and that same person screamed, I would've right away know who screamed. Anna.

I literally ran up to my phone which was on the counter, making my perfectly, washed and clean apple fall to the ground. Even if my phone was only like 10 inches away from me, I just had to add dramatic affect and run to my phone if a murder just told me it had Anna. I hope not.

"Hello? Anna? Are you okay?" I asked into the phone, hoping Anna would answer by saying that she's okay. I don't need another kidnapper taking Anna away.

But as I thought, Anna didn't answer. No one did.

"Anna!?" I called out into the phone but louder. Still no answer and I started to worry. What if they already took her?

I heard some moving going on at the other end of the line and I thought Anna might have reached for the phone for help? It can be.

"Hello?" I tried once more to call out for Anna or... Anyone. But mostly Anna.

"Anna is mine." A deep, male voice said into the phone. Who the hell does this nigga think he is by calling Anna's his. I'll beat the living out of him if I have to.

"No she's not," I snapped, "Don't touch her. Don't look at her. Don't even touch her beautiful brown hair or I'll kill you. I'm not afraid of you. Even if maybe you have big muscles... I can still bring you down. And no I don't care if I go to jail. I can go to jail for my whole life; as long as I know Anna is safe, away from you." Every single word is true. I could spend my whole life in jail, as long as Anna is safe and secure.

The line went silent but I could hear giggling with an 'aww' in the background.

"Ross," Anna's soothing voice echoed through my ears. Thank God she's okay, "That's so sweet of you, baby."

I smiled. I maybe, probably, may have blushed. But good thing Anna wasn't here to see me. I bet ya I was red as a tomato, "Anything for you."

Anna giggled, "Did you really mean every single word that you said?"

I nodded but realized I was on the phone, "Of course I did!" I paused before saying another word, "Were you the guy with the deep voice?"

Anna laughed and I could tell by that laugh, she was happy and it was something really funny, "No! It was my brother."

I froze. Holy... I just threatened Anna's brother that I would kill him if he touched, looked or even touched one of Anna's beautiful brown hair. Yeah, I'll have to apologize to that guy.

"Turns out that Alex came to California yesterday and he wanted to visit me!" Anna squealed of happiness, "But he didn't knew my address nor my phone number." Anna let out a slight giggle, "Good thing I called him today earlier."

"Yeah.." I nervously laughed, "Hey, is he with you?"

"Who? Alex?"

"Yeah," I started to rub the back of my neck. A habit of mine that I do when I get really nervous about something. Alex scares me a lot but I try not to show it around Anna. And since she's not here, I could pee my pants for all I know. Yes, even if I'm talking to Alex, on the phone.

"Oh yeah. He's right next to me," Anna paused, probably waiting for me to answer for what I want Alex for, "You wanna talk to him?"

"Yeah. Please?" I wrinkled my face. It seemed pathetic of me to say please. I don't know why but it just did.

"Okay." Anna answered and some moving was heard.

"Ross, my man. What's up?" Alex's voice went through my head. He still has the same voice since the last time I heard him and that was like- 3, 4 months ago?

"Hey, Alex." I nervously chuckled, "Just wanted to say sorry for that whole 'I'm going to kill you if you touch Anna.' I didn't knew it was you and I just wanted to protect her." Okay. I know how silly that sounded. Protect her? From the other side of the phone? Yeah, uh-huh, good luck with that.

"Oh," Alex breathed out, "That's okay. I actually liked your little speech. It means a lot to me that you're taking care of my little sister." Speech? Oh, yeah. That just came out. I had no intention to talk about that but it just came out. Just went with the flow.

"It's my honor." I smiled, "Since Anna and I are b-" I paused. What if Anna still hasn't told Alex what happened between her and Jai? Has Anna told Alex about me and her? I was gonna say boyfriend and girlfriend but instead, "best friends, our responsibility is to take care of one another."

Nailed it.

Alex laughed, "Yeah. I'm glad you two are really hitting it off. Well I have to go and unpack some stuff. I'll talk to you later, Ross."

"Yeah okay," I sighed. That was totally not what I was expecting. I was expecting Alex screaming at me. Asking me about Anna and if we've had any relationships going on. But no, he trusts me. And I've got to keep being like this. Having Alex's trust is the best feeling ever because whenever Anna tells him about Jai, and Anna and I go out, Alex will hopefully not have a problem with it because he already trusted me.

"Hello?" Anna's voice came back. Ahh, I could just sit here and listen to Anna's voice all day.


"Oh, hey Ross. What's up?" Anna giggled as she tried to sound manly at the 'What's up' part. Let me tell ya, it was such a fail!!!!

"Oh, nothing." I said in a high pitched voice, "Just doing my nails, guuuuurrrlll."

Anna bursted out laughing. I love it when she laughs. But I especially love it when I make her laugh. It lets me know that Anna is happy around me. And it makes me feel good. Knowing that the love of my life is having a good time and life.

"Ross," Anna relaxed her laughing, "Is it okay if I just hang out with Alex today? We really need to catch up on stuff and-"

I cut her off, "No need to explain. Of course you can. I won't tell you what you can do and what you can't."

I heard that Anna sighed of relief, "Thanks a lot, Ross. I love you."

I smiled to ear to ear. I love it when Anna tells me she loves me with her perfect voice, "I love you too."

"I'll text ya later. Bye." Anna said. Hey, I may not see her all day but at least she's texting me.

"Okay, bye." We both hanged up at the both time. No, we're not those couples who say 'No, you hang up first' and so on and on. It's annoying.

I wonder if any of my brothers wanna have a bonding relationship. Or sister... No... If I ask Rydel if she wants to hang out, she'll make me go shopping and do manicures and tell her my opinions on this dress, pants, shoes, pants and etc.

So I decided to go with my brothers. I don't care if we just play video games. At least we're doing it together. Killing zombies together.

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For the comments, answer to this question: Who do you ship most, Raura (Laura and Ross) or Raia (Maia and Ross) or neither and why?

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xoxo, Ariana

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