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Its August the first

Fireworks explode over the campers heads, loud bangs and roars bursting into the night sky. Green, gold and blue shimmered and shone, lighting the campers faces with rich colours. Laughing and shouts of joy could be heard over the fireworks as all the demigods danced and sung ridiculous songs. The fire in front of them stood twenty feet in the air, its golden tongues casting their delicious warmth all around.

It was a perfect night, all Greek and Roman demigods hand in hand celebrating a year since the defeat of Gaia. Permanent grins rested on everyones faces as they watched the spectacle and enjoyed each others company.

Everyones except Annabeth.

Her grey eyes were stormy in the fires light, a small frown etched on her face. Her golden curls were dishevelled, a cool sweat trickled down her spine.

"You alright Annabeth?" Percy asked, concerned as he slipped his fingers between hers. She quickly looked up from her feet and smiled a smile which didnt reach her eyes.

"Yeah sure"

He frowned before turning his attention to the night sky. "Its beautiful isnt it? he asked, his voice soft."

"The fireworks or this?" Annabeth asked motioning to everything around her.

"The peace. The atmosphere. How there is no more prophecies and wars to fight. How I can spend the rest of my life with you,"

A strange look passed over Annabeths features. A look of pain and longing.

"That was very cheesy, Seaweed brain" she croaked.

"Ah, but its true, Wise Girl"

She turned away from him, unable to keep the tears from spilling down her cheeks. Percys laughing quickly ended as Annabeth began to cry. He wrapped his arms around her as her boy shook and convulsed with sobs. He stroked her tear stained hair and murmured comforting words in her ear.

"What is it Annabeth?"

He was only met with silence as she took a deep breath and tried to compose herself.


She finally turned around to look into his beautiful sea green eyes. She looked deeply into them and almost got lost in their depths; They were filled with concern and worry, making her heart squeeze with pain. 

She didnt deserve him.

He didnt deserve what was going to happen to him.

"I'm sorry Percy"

He didnt get another word out of her for the rest of the night.

She just sat in his arms, staring at the darkness above as he stroked her hair.

"Annabeth you know I'll always love you right?" Percy whispered.

She just nodded silently.

The horn was blown, signalling or all campers to retire to their cabins for the night Percy reluctantly loosened his vice tight grip on Annabeth and walked over to his cabin. He sat on the bed and sated at the ceiling and let his thoughts run wild before drifting into a fretful sleep.

♆ ♆ ♆

The first thing he heard was sobbing.

A loud knock racked his entire cabin, making Percy shoot up from his bed and smack his head on the bunk above him. He threw on his orange shirt and pulled on a pair of jeans and swung open his door.


The daughter of Aphrodite stood in his doorway, her face streaked with tears and her eyes puffy from crying. She clutched a small piece of paper in her hand and a tissue in the other.

"I-Im sorry P-Percy" she stuttered through her crying.

Fear stabbed Percy in the chest like needles as Piper handed him the note.

"Who- what happened?" he asked, worry lacing his voice.

Piper gulped back a sob and looked him dead in the eye, her kaleidoscope coloured ones full of misery and pain.

"Its Annabeth"

Percy quickly unfolded the crumpled note in his hand so fast he tore it in half. It didnt matter. He could still read the words inscribed on its blankness.

A horrible howl of pain emitted from Percys throat as he dropped the note. Piper burst into hysterics again as he shoved passed her, tears of shock running down his face. He felt as though a knife was stabbing him the heart as he half ran- half stumbled past the camp.

Percy screamed in agony, his voice so full agony, the gods above him wept. He didnt know how long he ran for or where he was going but the same thought kept running through his head.

The girl he fell into Tartarus for,

the girl he had protected and fought beside all his life,

the girl he loved more than anything in this world

had just killed herself.

♆ ♆ ♆

Well that's the first chapter...

This was really hard to write :,)

Anyhoo please comment an vote as it would be most appreciated:))

-  C xx

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