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Farewell Party

Farewell Party

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I started moving along the sidewalk towards the party while taking in my surroundings. As usual, there were many cars parked alongside both sides of the street, leaving no room for any other cars to park near the house.

As I drew near the party, I could see a cluster of people standing around on the front yard either laughing, dancing, making out or just chatting.

The sound of blaring music coming from inside the house was different and it overlapped the music that they were dancing to outside.

Nevertheless, they looked happy and were carelessly dancing or swaying to the music as they held red plastic cups in their hands.

As I followed the path of the sidewalk, I ended up turning next to her mailbox and stood there observing the people around me, searching for any familiar faces.

I tilt my head up, admiring the house. It looked big, probably two stories high and decent looking on the outside and they had a nice, freshly cut green grass to compliment it. Near the doorway, hung two dimmed yellow lights on each side of the door, making it look welcoming.

A big smile graced my face as I saw a familiar face stand out near the doorway. "Hey, Clay!" I call out, walking towards him.

He turns around and flashes that cute smile of his. "Rachel?"

"In the flesh." I said with a small smile.

He chuckles. "It's good to see you."

That's my cue to go in for a hug. "Awh, it's good to see you too, Clay." Our embrace lasts for a few seconds before we pull apart.

"Wanna—" I point to the door.

"Go inside?" He finished the sentence for me. I smile and nod. "Yea." He says before walking in with me alongside him.

As I walk in, I feel my jaw drop as I notice that there's a bunch of people at this party. They're everywhere in clusters either dancing, drinking, talking, grinding, you name it. I glance around the room looking for any sight of Justin but I don't see him anywhere. I turn my head to look at Clay and see him glancing around the room too, most likely looking for someone.

"Find who you're looking for?" I asked.

He shakes his head. "No."

"Who are you looking for?" I asked in curiosity.

"No one." He said with a small smile.

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