Day Sixteen

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Day Sixteen

Word Count 18: 100

Prompt 4: You wake up to the end of the world but luckily your best friend is not entirely of this world anyway.

"I don't know how many times you're going to want to run through this Augie but we don't have time. This is a yes or no situation."

"You knew! You knew this was going to happen and you didn't try to stop it."

"I couldn't stop it if I tried, every world comes to an end. It's part of life, I'm just offering you a chance to extend yours. My kind can switch universes as easily as you change clothes. I can bring you or I can leave you."

What more could Augie do? The world he knew was dying and though he might have had an obligation to see it through, he let the thoughts of love ones and betrayal sink to bottom of his heart. "Lets Go." 

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