Chapter 2

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It was a nice day outside. The sun was out and the ground glistening from the morning rain.

The birds were chirping and singing a soft lullaby. The trees rustling in the slight wind.

The ground was soft on my bare feet. I don't know where I was going, all I knew is that I needed to clear my head.

Problems around school have been getting worse.

They say that I'm no good. They say I'm a pathetic wannabe of my older siblings. They make fun of me for working at a bakery. They find as many things as they can to get to me. "They" are my usual bullies.

Over the years I came to ignoring them. But, they always "make" me pay attention.

No one knows about the physical or mental abuse they put me through. No one dares to come near me, in fear that they might feel the wrath of the abusers.

Thoughts spin around in my head. Thoughts of how I am going to be alright. Thoughts of how I will get through this. It's just a phase.

A phase that's been happening for only a year. I couldn't get worse... Right?

I tell myself to stay strong and I do. I try to stay strong for the ones I love. I don't think of getting the easy way out of this ugly world, I think of it as an obstacle. I will soon get over it in the future. This obstacle just happens to be a very big one. But I will succeed and I will get through it.

One Way Of Another. All I need right now, is the people who truly love me.


I had looked up at the sky, and had realized it was totally dark. I left when the sun was just going down.

I rushed home, in worry that my mum or brother would be mad.

I ran through the thick trees, mud seeping through my toes. Branches ripping open little slits in my arms.

I could see the little brick house of our house. I smile and head to the faucet outside the house to wash my feet off.

Once I had scrubbed all the mud off my feet, I started to walk to the back door. That was, until I heard a beautiful voice coming from the window above.

Harry's room.

He was singing my favorite song.

" Isn't She Lovely."

He would sing this to me when ever I was sad or scared. It was a song that we called ours.

I smiled up at his window and walked into the house.

" WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY??" My mum yelled at me like a wind fire.

" I'm sorry mum, I lost track of time. It won't happen again." I said to her looking down, ashamed of myself. I hate to make people mad at me.

She looked at me, biting her lip. She did this when she felt guilty for something. She shouldn't be guilty, It was my fault that she was worried.

She gave me a small smile. " Well, your forgiven by me," she said," but you might wanna go talk to your brother. He is worried sick about you, love! He's been pacing all around this place, mumbling things like, 'where could she be? Is she alright? I better go look for her!' He looked everywhere! Inside and out. He looked as though he was about to cry!" I smile at the thought of my very protective big brother. However, when she said he looked as though he could cry, my smile failed and tears began to form.

I almost made my big brother cry? I'm such an awful person.

I ran up the stairs and stood in front of Harry's big brown door. I would not let these tears fall.

I gently knocked on his door, waiting for him to answer.

"DID YOU FI- " he slammed the door open, but was stopped mid sentence when he saw me. I looked down, not being able to face the tall boy In front of me.

His big, strong arms wrapped around my small, yet not to small, frame. He held me tight, not wanting to let go, afraid that I might disappear again. I never knew that he would be so worried. I was only gone for maybe 2 hours.

It broke my heart when I heard his quiet sobs. Which cause me to let a few tears go.

"Where the hell have you been, Blakely???!!! You had us all worried sick!! I've never been scared in my whole entire life!! I looked everywhere!! And when I couldn't even find you in the woods, I was scared shitless!" Harry ranted on and on. I felt so bad. Harry never cussed. Only when he was really really mad or really worried. And right now, he was both.

" I'm sorry, I just went to take a walk and lost track of time. I'm sorry," I said looking down at my still slightly wet feet.

He held me into big bear hug again.

" just please don't of that again!! Please promise me you will tell me where you are going before you go? Ok??" I looked up at him. He looked tired. His eyes were red and puffy. His curls all over his forehead.

I remember when I was a little girl, I would always play with his hair. I would pull on the little ringlets. I would remember he would always have a smile on his face. He would laugh and make funny faces. He would always know how to make me happy.

I slowly nodded my head, never losing eye contacts with his gorgeous, green eyes. He smiled and hugged me again.

I felt safe from everything.

" I heard you singing, when I walked inside," I told him. He looked down at me.

" I have something to tell you Bee," he said slowly, using the nickname had had for me.

" what?" I asked out of curiosity. However, before he could answer, mum called us down for dinner.

"I'll tell you at dinner." He stated, taking my hand in his big one and leading us down to the dining room.


I helped mum and Gemma set the table. Harry was sitting at the bar, texting on his phone. He must be texting a girl because of the huge smile on his face.

Harry was very good looking and could get any girl he wanted, but he was very respectful to the girls he would like. But they only wanted one thing. And that's what scared me. Harry deserved someone who would love him for him and not his good looks.

We were all gathered around the table, talking about nonsense. When mum or one of the sibling would ask about school, I would just give a simple answer like " it's good, getting good grades," I don't want them to know about what has been happening. The table went into a comfortable silence. That was until Harry stood up.

Mum had a smile on her face and so did Gemma, I was confused, however.

" Bee, I have some big news, mum and Gemma already know, and you need to know too." He had a huge smile on, making me smile also. Harry pulled out his phone and going to his messages, making me think he is going to tell us about a new girlfriend of his possibly. But no, what he had to tell us was much more surprising and life changing.

" I'm Auditioning For The X-Factor!"

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