Chapter 6

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Blake's POV

I made my way to the curb outside the airport, trying to get a cab to see me. Once one pulled over, the driver got out and helped me put my bags into the back of the vehicle.

Once the car had started speeding off to the nearest hotel, (I didn't feel like I need to go home right away) I fell into deep thought.

I just gave my number to my brothers best mate/band mate.

I guess it was a good thing that I didn't tell him my full name.

However, I wonder if he would even know who I was, even if I said my full name. Like i said, my brother forgot about me, so I don't think that Harold would have told them about me, only Gemma.

It still surprises me that he forgot me so easily. We use to be so close. He was the one who would tuck me in at night when I was little. He was the one that read me stories at nights when I couldn't sleep. He knew everything about me. He looked after me to make sure that I didn't eat anything that I was allergic too, or do things that would be to dangerous for me. He was the one that taught me everything that I needed to know in life. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING.

Birds and the bees. Just everything. We trusted each other.

I trusted him more than our own mother.

Sure there were something's I kept secret from him, like when I was bullied. When I would get physically and mentally beaten almost everyday.

Even if we still had contact to this day, I wouldn't have told him that. I wouldn't even have told him, that on the first week of my first year of being away from home, I got a broken nose from one of his 'fans' because they didn't like me. That I was almost expelled from my private school because I put a girl in the hospital for calling him Gay.

My mum thought sending me to this school would stop the bullying.

Well she was right in some sense. I wasn't being bullied for what I was being bullied for back in Cheshire. I was being bullied because of who my brother was. However, after being at the new school for 1 years, I started standing up for myself. If someone would cuss me out, I would cuss them out. Make them scared of me.

When someone would ask if I'm really Harry Styles little sister, I would just shake my head no. I didn't want to be known as his sister anymore. 1 years of punches to the face, kicks to the stomach, just because of who my brother was. It was ridiculous. And I wasn't going to take it.

I despised Harry now.

For being Famous.

For being talented.

For making me go through all this torture.

For forgetting me.

I can't blame him for things he couldn't help, but I still do.

After I started doing these things, I started to gain more respect. Also more friends. And they were true friends because none of them knew that I was 'the little sister of World Famous Harry Styles.'

Chase was the only one that knew I was related to Harold. He has been with me through everything. He is my rock and I don't know what I would do with out him.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the cab driver started to talk.

"Ma'am? We have arrived." He said the cheesy line

"Oh. Thank you for everything," I said smiling, giving him the money.

Once I got my luggage out of the boot, I headed towards the entrance of the hotel. It was really nice but not fancy fancy. It had a homie feeling. Does that make sense?

After checking into a hotel room for the night, I received my key and headed to my room.


I was sitting on the king sized bed when my phone buzzed. Thinking it was Chase, I broke my gaze from the tv, to my phone.

*Unknown Number*- Hey :)

I looked at my screen with a confused look.

*Me*- Hello, sorry but who is this?

Not even ten seconds later I got a reply.

*Unknown Number*- oh I'm sorry. I'm the guy from the plain. I introduced myself as William and we had the best time sitting next to each other. :)

*Me*- You did introduce yourself as William, however you sure as hell look a lot like Louis Tomlinson. ;)

It was amazing how I went from worrying about him having my number to 'I'm glad you have my number.'

I went to my contacts and saved his number and changed him name.

*Louis*- I am so sorry about that. When I first sat down I didn't know how you would react if I told you 'hey I'm Louis Tomlinson.' So I just told you my middle name. Im sorry, hope you still think of us as friends?

I smiled at his response. Any other girl would be freaking out if the were in my position, but I'm not like other girls. I don't get crazy when someone famous talks to me. To be honest, I'm kinda glad he wants to be friends, because what Chase has told me about louis, is that he has the best personality. Louis is Chases 'favorite' out of all of them. He even said that I'm a girl version of Mr. Tomlinson.

*Me*- it's alright :) no need to apologize. If I were in your position, I would have done the same thing. And don't worry I still consider you a friend ;) but as of right now I have to get going, big day tomorrow :) talk to you later louis :)

*Louis*- I'll text you tomorrow. Is that alright?

*Me*- perfect :) goodnight.

I yawned and looked at the time. 11:23pm.

*Louis*- good :) goodnight.

I don't mind Texting Lou, I just hope he doesn't want to meet up, because then the rest of the boys might be with him. And that means seeing Harry Again.


How could I be so stupid.

Louis was on the same flight I was and so were the others. The flight we were on was a flight to Cheshire. We all got off that flight....

That means that they were heading to Cheshire.

...... ... That means Harry is home......

when I have to come home also.



*not edited*

Well here's chapter 6 :) hope you guys like it!! :D

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