File #13021999 (Incomplete)

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File #13021999

Name: Phoebe Montoya

Rebel Name: Desert Halo

Birth date: February 13th, 1999

Family: Father- Clint Montoya (deceased, shot by a drac, falls off a cliff), Mother- Lila Montoya (alive), Brother- Tony Montoya (deceased, suicide, jumps off a cliff)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: ???

Death Date:

Strengths: Archery, starting fires, being a bean

Human Weakness:

Personal Weakness: panic attacks, anxiety,  slightly dyslexic (numbers), ADHD, once pissed at a person always pissed at that person

Potential Scarecrow: Yes, after information is extracted

Note: At mention of dad or brother, will not talk to anyone.

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