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Two young kids one boy and one girl ran around the messy disorganized yard. Both were aged around six years old, the boy had shortish brown hair and stunning gray eyes, his pants were dirty and ripped, same for his shirt. The girl had bright blonde hair and unrealistic purple eyes even though they were real, her clothes were cleaner but definitely just as cheap. They yelled and laughed as the chased one another through the broken jungle gym and caved in fence. They avoided the garbage and large pile of recycled beer bottles as they tagged each other in the overgrown grass and weeds. The door to the attached house that looked old and run down swung open revealing a man with short brown hair and blue eyes.

“Maxine your mother is here.” The young girl let out a long sigh in anger and stomped her foot.

“I don’t wanna!” The man stepped out of the door with a smile on his face, he sweeped the small girl off her feet and over his shoulder. “Put me down!”

“Say goodbye.”

“Bye Regan.” She waved to the little boy still standing in the grass.

“Bye Max.”

A loud crash of glass woke the young six year old, he sat up to see the clock show 3:42A.M. He turned to see his eight year old brother still sound asleep in the bed across the room from him.

“Alex” the small boy whispered getting no response. He sighed and pushed his blankets to the side exposing plaid his pajama bottoms and plain gray t-shirt as he stepped out of bed. He tiptoed out of the room and toward the uncarpeted stairs quietly moving downstairs one step at a time. As he reached the halfway point of the stairs he was able to see his two parents fighting and the glass bottle of beer that made the loud noise that woke him. He ducked behind the rail as he listened to his parents argue just below him.

    “You can’t keep coming home drunk and abusive. I’m sick of your shit, everyday you wake up and drink, you yell at the kids and at me, i’m done!” The brown haired man yelled.

    “You want to leave fine but the house is mine!” the red headed woman yelled back.

    “Whatever i’ll be back tomorrow for the kids and to give you the divorce papers.” The Brown haired and blue eyed man left leaving the woman to sulk in her own drunk demise, and the boy to run back up into his room.

    The next day the two young boys and their mother sat at the kitchen table, cereal in front of them and a beer already in the mother’s hand. The doorbell rang and the heads of the two boys perked up, both knowing what happened the night before. They stood almost simultaneously.

“Sit your asses down.” they sat as fast as they stood and their mother left to answer the door. Minutes later their mother came back tears present in her eyes and two officers at her side.

“We are sorry to have to tell you boys this.” the tall one with the weird mustache began to speak. “ but your father was found dead at 5:28 this morning.” The older of the two brothers began to cry but the younger one stared at his mother with no expression, his mind unable to process death at such a young age. His father was dead and the only thing he knew was he was stuck with his mean mother for the rest of his life.

-------edited!!  welcome to the story hope you enjoy!!

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