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    It couldn't be. I didn't believe that Malfoy even gad a heart. But he's been creepily nice to me ever since first year. When we were little, Malfoy would always terrorize me by muddying up my clothes and putting worms in my food. But now all of a sudden he's hugging me and giving me Christmas presents! He could never care about me, he's Malfoy. He doesn't care about anyone. But I don't think I'll ever understand guys.
    I went to the library to catch up on some studying when I noticed a girl sitting all by herself. I didn't think she should be sitting by herself. Hair the color of cedar brown, eyes the color of coffee, and deep tan skin. Her coffee brown eyes were shielded with shiny glasses, which I thought made her look even more friendly and sweet. Her lips were small and puckered the color of strawberry pink. She wore a cloak with a house crest I've never seen before, so she must have been transferred.
She glanced up and noticed I was staring at her. She gave me a menacing stare, as if she was going to pierce my soul. "Well?", the girl snarled.
    "Well what?" I replied.
    "Why are you staring at me?".
    "Because I was."
    "Sit down," the girl ordered.
    I awkwardly sat down as the girl closed her book. "You don't have any of the house crests on your cloak. Are you a transfer?" I asked. The crest on the girl's cloak was by far the most beautiful crest I've seen. A red flower with a golden coiling snake in the center.
    "Yep. From Ilvermorny in America".
    "You're from America?" I asked excitedly.
    "Transfer from Ilvermorny" the girl explained. I've heard about that school before. The Hogwarts of America. The four houses are Horned Serpent, Thunder Bird, Wampus, and Pukwudgie. That was the crest of Horned Serpent, apparently.
    "So, what's your name?", I asked.
    "Just Selina".
    "But you only said your first name".
    "Got a problem with that?".
    "No, of course not." I said. This girl is not here to make friends. "Alright, Selina. What year are you?"
    "Isn't it obvious? I'm a second year as you are. It's not that hard to see." She also isn't here to be nice.
    "Right. What class do you have next?", I ask politely.
    "Why do you ask so many questions?".
    "I'm sorry if I just want get to know you", I defended myself.
    "You should be. I don't 'do' friends. So just get out of my way and we should get along fine this year," Selina snapped as she grabbed her books for next period. The eggs I had from breakfast could have used some of her salt.
    I was on my way to History of Magic when I noticed Celia was in the hospital wing. I walked inside to see her standing before Isaiah's bed. Celia showed no emotion a she stared. Her deep chocolate eyes were as blank as ever, her raspberry lips were a sickly red. Her arms were wrapped around her upper body as she stared.
    "Celia? What are you doing here?", I asked.
    "How long were they in here?", Celia asked.
    "I think two days before I was released".
    "Hmm. It's definitely been a lot quieter without the two".
    I slightly giggled at the comment as Celia whispered, "A little too quiet.
    "It has been a lot quieter without them". Celia doesn't reply to that comment. She continues to stare at the twins, especially on Isaiah. I think Celia was the only Slytherin who wanted to interact with Isaiah. On the night of the sorting, Isaiah and Celia sat next to each other. They sat with no one else, not even speaking to each other.
    And then the four of us started to get along: me, the twins, and Celia. Celia was probably the biggest troublemaker yet. She got four howlers in the past week, making Cho seethe with rage. "You've got four howlers this month! Mother's definitely not going to let you take quidditch next year", Cho scolded.
    "We have to get to History of Magic", I whisper back. Celia nodded as we walked together, not a word escaped our mouths.
    "There you are! I've searched the entire library for you! Why were you at the hospital?!", Cho exclaimed as she walk up to us.
    "I just wanted to visit a friend." Celia explained.
    "Who?" Cho asked.
    "Hermione Granger...Yeah...." Celia lied. Celia knew that Cho didn't like the twins. When I went to sit with them the day of the sorting, Cho was angry. She got even angrier when me, Celia, and the twins started hanging out together.
    "You're a terrible liar, y'know that? I saw you looking at the Black twins. You shouldn't be friends with them anymore" Cho reminded Celia for the one-hundredth time.
    "Last time I checked, I can be friends with whomever I want," Celia snapped. "Let's go, Char."
    "And that's the the biography of Rowena Ravenclaw. Your homework is to write 5 pages of each of the lives of the four house founders," Professor Binns finished. Miraculously, I survived the entire class. Sometimes, I would get attacks during class times and I'd break a quill. So far, I have broken 19 quills. One time I even bent a metal quill. But the silver quill Malfoy bought me was inordinately strong. It was a good thing Malfoy decided to buy me a silver quill. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm glad that Malfoy bought me that quill. I've already used three fourths of the pages from the sketchbook Malfoy bought me. And I've used up all the pages in the journal.
    But could he really care about me? Could the kid who's terrorizing me for the past 11 years of my life actually care about me? And here I am, in my sea of thought.
    I usually like to think that all my thoughts are in some kind of sea. I swim in it constantly, swimming deeper and deeper. And this time I was drowning, constantly swimming, deeper and deeper into my thoughts. At this point, I've reach the bottom of the sea of thought, I've been swimming in all my life. The sea of thought is endless, as I will never stop thinking. And for some reason, Malfoy was the island. That small, little island in the middle of the ocean. Where I would lie on the shores of the little Malfoy island and wade my feet in the waters of my thoughts.
    And then I slide off the island and plunge myself in the oceans of thoughts again, swimming deeper and deeper. Until I drown again and never find the surface again.

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