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"Dear Dennis,

I'm sorry for the late reply as well, it's been hectic on my end in no senses or words as this world has shown me things that I've never imagined seeing, giving my feelings I never imagined to have. I'm also sorry for coming off as bright in latter reply, I was just shocked to have been asked such questions from so far from home.

If I'm being honest with you, I do plan on returning to you, but not alone. I'd asked Andrew to come along and he'd accepted after a whiles thought. I hope you don't mind but this would be only the earliest of his new beginning as he too, wants to travel the world.

For when it is I will come to return, is unknown as there is so much left to see. As for adventures I'm able to tell, I'd still taken to tending roses, keeping one of me in memory of the day I'd swept through an enormous garden. It was excruciatingly gorgeous and I wish you could have seen the awe it'd put in my eyes... We'd also walked the beaches bay and swam in the a steady stream...

I wish I knew where else to start but my mind is scattered so I'll let this be the end.


Your Rose.


"I know you disapprove of me talking to him, but I've known him for a long whiles rest and I wish you wouldn't assume that me writing to him means anything against you or your given love. I am nothing to be owned and will be no ones truly as I will always be my own before any other." I go on as Andrew listens from the drivers side of the car. He rested his head on his fist as he drove, tired of me.

"You had signed it 'love, Rose.'" He states with clarity.

"Just as you'd signed your own with 'love, Andrew'"

"Fair point but it's invalid as the way I'd meant it was so called 'different' from the one you'd stated." He says with a snarl.

"You know what, if you weren't so snoopy then maybe we wouldn't have to have these kind of arguments. Can't it just be a good ride for just another short day. It also stated that you'd be coming with me home-"

"That's assuming I will." He cuts me off sharply. I gasp and slam my mouth shut, jaws clenched. "It's not that I don't want to but you need to figure out your own act before I'm able to figure out my own." He sighs and rubs his face with both hands in a quick, but steady gesture. "You see, this is fun, but it isn't real if there is only one player playing the game." He says metaphorically. I give him a side glare and look straight on.

"That'd nothing to do with me or my letters in a right manner," I argue bitterly. "You've still gone through my privacy and therefore alarmed me without defense as you keep cutting me off!" I say with a burning passion.

"In terms, I've only cut you off once." He states. I knew he was correct.

"The difference of the making shouldn't have to matter as this whole argument is unequal and therefore 'invalid.'" I sigh and lean my head back, hands rubbing together in way of concentration. "I'm sorry to fight like this, but you don't allow many other ways for me to be heard when it comes to such topics beyond your belief. You must see that I've come along with you for the ride and not to feel such things as love although it is yet possible to fall-" I trail on about my purpose here as well as his own. "-I'm sorry, but it's the truth and you have to accept it before you go stomping on every bridge."

"I guess your statement is now suited as valid but I wouldn't rush yourself. Your words may be mighty, but you may not be." He warned me before the music was left to take us over again. My sight remained either on the road or the side window where I looked out at everything that was to surround us. Rarely did I dare glance towards Andrew, my heart shattering at the thought of doing so.

He was pushing me away not vice versa. He must see that ordering me away makes me feel rubbishy and under cared for. It's as if I'm the child here even though the two of us are both adults on our own journey, both for different reasons. I think I'm starting to regret somethings I hadn't regretted beforehand.


"We can't just ignore the conversation spoken earlier." I murder or from under mine own breath.

"Oh really? Watch us as we do so." He says with his own small laughter. It was quiet and weak.

"Andrew, please. Grow up for a change and get a grip on reality. I know this is hurting you just as much, now can't you face it?"

"For you to assume so much, means nothing to me as there is no telling if you're right or not-"

"Well it's not like you're an open book, your face says more than your tall posture." I state he truth as his face falls ever more.

"That's unfair." He says deeply.

"It isn't unfair as when having a conversation as such, it is only polite to give one another their full attention. A part of that means eye contact." I clearly clarify for him. He purses his lips and says nothing. Putting away the gas pump he hops back into the car, running away from answers.

"Andrew?" I say as I shut me inside the car.

"You know I have every right to drop you off right here and tell you to get lost, but you don't seem to appreciate the fact that I harbor such love for you, do you? Or do you forget that part when you write to Dennis because nowhere did it state 'Andrew loves me.'"

"Andrew, please?" I beg.

"Not tonight Annabella, please. Just let me rest on this as I just need one night of good dreams." That's when I knew the truth about his pained express towards me. He'd dreamt of loss of me because such feelings can overpower and lead to ones own destruction.

Exquisite ~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now