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"I shouldn't of said that." I say abruptly. "I'm sorry, please don't hate me..." I rant.

"Anna, why would I-"

"Because this isn't my home Andrew, this isn't my home!" He freezes, face knotted up with tension, confusion. I look away, tears cascading down my face in silent surrender.

"Anna, look at me. Please?" He asks in a low tone. I turn my head his way and with one hand, he cups my face, thumb stroking my tears away as they shut. "It's nothing to be ashamed of and no, this might not be your home, but wherever home is, I'm willing to follow." His other hand takes mine, grasping it for the dearest of life.

"Would you really?" I ask in through a cracked voice.

"Yes Anna, I'd love to go home with you." He leans in, lips on mine as my tears burn into my skin, face warm and flushed. He pulls back and smiles warmly. "That's why I got us tickets," he brings his hands back from behind his back, two plane tickets within the palm of his hand. I gasp, more tears springing from my eyes, until...

"What about Dennis?" I ask again, voice straight and down.

"You love him, don't you?" Andrew asks, leaning back in his seat, defeated.

"I-I'm not sure. I wish I knew, but I do care for you." I say in a pleading voice, pleading for his love, attention.

"He doesn't know about us..." Andrew goes on. I frown further.

"No, but-"

"Why don't you get some rest. I'll drive us to the airport meanwhile." He gives me a weak smile before going on. I was going to argue but after a long while, all I remember seeing is Dennis in the rose garden.


I wake up the next morning to the smell of coffee under my nose. Sitting up I look to Andrew who stands by the porch, a cup of his own coffee in hand.

"Good morning Andrew," I wish to him. It was a kindly made gesture and his face lights up when he sees me awake.

"To you as well Anna, for always shall I be there to wish you a good day as well as a good night." He says, sitting down beside me and resting a hand of his amongst my own. My breath catches as I peer at him, first through the corner of my eye, and then head on. His eyes were outstanding with their own remarkable shade of grey, lips rounded and soft. I blink and turn away. "You alright?" He asks me, setting his glass down to take hold of my other hand. I move it before his hand can grasp it.

"I'm just shaky is all, had a rough night." I say, not the least bit of a lie but over exaggerated truth. "I think the best thing for me is a warm shower and than a morning stroll of fresh air." I give him a lousy smile and stand. "Would you mind placing my coffee back into its maker to keep it warm until I'm ready for it?" I ask gingerly. He stands with my glass now and I stand after him, leaving to the bathroom where the lock clicks into place and where my things lie.

The water was refreshing as it rained down on me in spurts and spatters. It was peaceful and calming and magnificent in many ways, the heat given off causing shivers to run up and down my once cold and unawake body. It all seemed to end so soon.

"Anna?" Andrew raps on the door to the bathroom, startling me.

"In here," I say. I sigh, the fact of my presence known nowhere other than here.

"When you're ready, I've reheated your coffee and prepared us a route to walk this fine morning." I smile to myself and quicken up my pace on getting ready, stepping out of the restroom to be with him beyond the door way. He gasps.

"You look..." He searches for the words. "Exquisite," he says with his lopsided grin. I blush and brush it off without second notice. "Shall we?" He asks, holding his arm out to me. I laugh but take it anyways.

"Where to?" I ask in a higher voice than usual, my tone bright and chirpy.

"You'll see," he says with a quick quirk of his lips. "Just wait and be patient." He said in a voice only meant for me as he hands me my glass and leads me out of the room.

We end up walking around the back of the building where vines have begun to grow along the backs of the walls. Though it was just numerous vines, it was oh so delightful to see. It was something different than my usual gardens...

"When would we be flying back to your home Anna, the earliest plane going that way is tomorrow, and if you'd like it we can leave tonight to make it there by dawn." I look to him, swallowing back the lukewarm coffee.

"Home?" I say in an unsteady voice. "How could I of nearly forgotten?" I say to no other than myself.

"It's truly up to you, but-"

"I'd like that very much so." I say with a smile, turning and giving him a slight hug with the awareness of the coffee left over in the glass.


We've finally hit the road and the stars looked oddly bright tonight. They were mesmerizing to look at and to point out shapes in, it was just a magnificent night to live in. I was finally going back home!

"Anna, why don't you catch some rest, it'll be a long day tomorrow morning and I don't want you to have to miss the view of all you'd just claimed yourself and claimed as your own land. Though this isn't your home, it's a place you once lived in too." He smiles and lays my hand. "Goodnight love, sleep well and dream of me if you can."

And that night, I did.

Exquisite ~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now