"Hi, I'm drew, from Emblem Three."

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It seemed like we had walked for a while. I was honestly starting to get worried. I mean I really don't know him. Where is he taking me?

He was walking towards a little patch of woods. I stopped and called out. "I-Idk.. I don't really know you..."

He looked up as if not expecting my dissaproval. He walked over, put my face in his hands and whispered in my ear. "You can trust me." 

Of coarse, something a killer would say to reassure you before he chops you to peices. But something told me to trust him. Maybe it was the desperation in his voice. He really wanted me to trust him I could tell. 

He continued to walk towards the woods expecting me to follow. Fuck it, I followed.

A small campsite came into view. A tent and a small set up. Did he live here?

"No." He looked up and smiled.

Damn I said that out loud. 

He continued. "I live in Huntington Beach. Anywhere I end up I find a place to clear my head, get away for a little while. Yahknow?"

I did know. This reminded me of the place I have back at my home in Tennessee. "So you don't lure girls here for murder?" 

He just laughed. He pulled something out of his pocket and I recognized it as a joint. "You smoke?" He turned to me. 

"Ocasionally." I shrugged.

He lit up, took a couple of hits and than passed it to me. 

--- Wesley's P.O.V ---

I'm not gonna lie. She looked hot when she held the joint to her lip glossed lips and took a long drag. She wasn't one of the girls that were pretending they knew what they were doing to impress me. This girl knew how to smoke and it's such a turn on. 

She passed it back to me and I took another drag. I was already starting to feel my heartbeat speed up and my head started to spin. I laid on my back and watched as she did the same. We passed the joint around until it was gone. 

Her steady voice broke the silence. "What brings you to New York?" 

"Just traveling with some buddies." It wasn't exactly a lie... "What about you?"

"My friends dragged me here for the Emblem Three concert" She rolled her eyes.

"Are you a fan?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"I haven't really gave their music a chance, but I'm not really interested in superficial boy bands" 


"They aren't that bad." I replied sticking up for my bestfriends and myself. "They're actually really cool dudes. Especially the dark brown haired boy." I laughed a little at myself. She had no idea. 

"You know them?" She asked excitedly.

"Vaguely." I replied carefully. 

She stood up and wiped herself off. "It's midnight. I should really be going." She almost tripped. The weed hit us both and we were blown. 

She giggled. "Text your friend and tell her you'll be home later, I want to make a stop first." I said confidently.

She laughed "And if I say no?" 

"I'll have to kill you." I tried to pull my best serious face but my laugh surfaced. 

She laughed too, but eventually agreed to come with me. 

--- Chloe's P.O.V---

I'm definetly feeling the weed now. My whole body is numb and I got dizzy when I stood up. We walked back to his car parked at McDonald's and got in. The car ride to where ever we were going was mostly silent.

A song came on the radio. I didn't know what it was. "Hey, this song has my name in it." I giggled.

"Do you know who's singing?" Wes asked.

"No.." I'm definetly gonna look into it though. This song is growing on me. 

"Emblem Three." Wes started laughing and couldn't stop. I started laughing too, and we pulled up into a five-star motel. 

I grew silent. I said the first thing that popped into my mind, I do that a lot when I'm high. "You know I'm not a prostitue right?" 

He started to laugh again. "Yes I do." 

We walked up to the hotel, went into the elavator. I couldn't focus on the button he pushed or what floor we were going to I honestly didn't care. We reached the floor, and walked into the hotel room. I walked into a room full of hot tan guys, and they all turned to face us. 

"Where have you been bro?" He looked towards me and than back at Wes and winked. I blushed and Wes just smiled.

"Out." He replied. 

I than suddenly recognized the guy that asked the question. "You're on my friends wall." I said stupidly without thinking. "Well not you, but a picture of you.." I struggled. "Well not a picture.. a poster" I stopped before I made myself look stupid. 

He laughed and walked over to me with his hand outstretched. "Hi, I'm Drew. From Emblem Three." 

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