Chapter 2

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Hayes POV

Right now Jordan and kids are packing to leave north carolina for a few weeks. Matthew and His wife said they had a little house in california and that we can stay with them for a few. I cant believe this alex guy is back. I swear if he will lay a hand on Jordan or the kids imma go  sharkeisha  his little ass.

"Jordan we are leaving" I yelled from downstairs

"Im coming" She yelled back and came downstairs with the kids behind her

I carried the twins into our car and Jordan came with sam in her arms and straped the kids in the car seat. Jordan sat next to me and looked outside the window.

"Its going to be ok" I said

She turned to look at me and looked at me with her green eyes. She looked back at the kids and smiled at them.

We drove for about 20 minutes and went to North carolina airport. We are meeting up with Matthew at the terminal to fly to Californa. Jordan got out the car and grab the twins while i grab sam. We grab our luggages and went to terminal 6 to wait for Matthew.

"Hayes" I heard somebody said

I turn around to see Matthew and his wife (Comment if you want to be Matthew wife, give me age, hair color and what you like).

"Hey matty" I said giving him a hug

"You guys ready to go" Matthew asked

"I guess" I said

I lead Jordan and the bording line and she gasped

"Jordan whats wrong?" I asked

"Hes here" She said

"What?" I said

She pointed all the way to the front of the line and saw Alex.


Sorry i havent updated in a week! I was busy with school cause the state test is coming and im very tired. If u wanna be apart of the book like Nash wife, carters wife blah blah blah kik me at: Neon_Skittle :)

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