How To Face The Truth

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As I follow my dad into the forest behind my house my heart starts pounding. Maybe I should'nt be here, maybe I should turn around and walk back to my house like nothing happened and wait for my dad to come into my room and tuck me in. But there was this little voice in my head that kept telling me to keep walking, that something important was about to happen.

As I reached a clearing a gunshot rung out,  a bloody, beaten, pulp of a man fell to the ground. And my father was holding the gun. I hid behind a tree to hear more of his conversation with the intimidating men around him.

"Nice shot Boss, he had it coming to him" came from a slimy looking man in a suit. "Thanks Gregory, now I better get back to tuck Kirsten into bed." "You still have'nt told her about you work i presume then." "Of course not! Why would i ever want my little angel to know that I'm a mob boss!"

After that I didnt stay to hear more, I ran, as fast as I could go back to my house, wishing with all my might that this was just a bad dream and that I would wake up soon and my dad would be there, the same kind man I've always known.

As I reach my house the graveness of the situation starts to sink in. He will never be the same person in my eyes and I have to leave or be haunted by what I know my father will be doing. The guilt would eat me alive.

I gather up all of the things I think I'll need to start a new life, clothes, my ipod, and all the money I have saved up which is around five hundred dollars. All I want to do is get as far away from here as I can so I creep out of the front door and start walking to the train station ten miles away. When I get there I just ask for a ticket that will get me the farthest away as possible. As i walk onto the platform I think, "My new life starts now."

AN: Hi this is my first book on Wattpad so far so comments would be appreciated I'm not sure if I should keep on writing this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2012 ⏰

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