Reference: Different Bloodlines

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These are all bloodlines that will be mentioned in this book. More will be added as necessary. Feel free to PM me with any questions.


-Dökkálfar, or "Dark Elf";

These Elves have strayed past the more "good" path. In early Nordic times, they were considered savages. They were far less empathetic than their Lighter cousins, and lived a rougher life, eating practically whatever they could find. They tended to shun the sun, preferring the cold night, and lived in caves, underground caverns, or heavily wooded areas.

Their physical traits can vary, but their hair and skin tended to be lighter from lack of sunlight. It is most common to see them with blue or golden eyes.

Signs of (dark) Elven blood in those around you may be: a naturally thinner build (or muscled); a "don't waste anything" attitude when it comes to eating; pallid features; being adept at certain Magick or showing psychic ability; early growth (i.e. being taller than others throughout childhood, though this may not carry to adulthood); a cynical view; a lack of noticing or feeling cold temperatures; better efficiency at night; etc.

-Ljósálfar, or "Light Elf";

These are the Elf that have embraced the Light. They rejoiced in sun and were a much more stable kind, learning balance in their civilizations. They were viewed as much holier and more pure than the Dark. They lived primarily in their own communities, though have been known to roam the woods.

Their appearances vary as well, but tend to look more "angelic." They also have more color, such as brighter blond hair, than their other Darker halves.

Signs of (light) Elven blood in those around may be: similar to the Dark, thinner and taller builds and a natural psychic or Magic ability; they may perhaps not eat as much, since they had more control and stock of food than the Dark; (sometimes) a lazy attitude; (sometimes) a weakness to cold temperatures; etc.


Also referred to simply as "Wolves"

As one may have been taught, they are specific Lycanthropes that have the ability to change into wolves either at will or during the week of the full moon.

Their appearances vary widely. Some may be grey, some black, some brown, some even reddish in color. They look like average wolves but are slightly larger and have some sort of difference in bone structure that makes them able to carry weight (though rarely any choose to carry weight).

Signs of wolf blood include: naturally sharp teeth and nails; strong arms and/or legs; a natural carnivorous instinct; odd patterns of the irises; etc.


Contrary to what you may think, they do not have a direct link to anything satanic (or at least how I've learned of them). They are merely people who are naturally adept at Magick in many different forms. The most common way they use Magick is as an extension of the senses.

There is nothing that physically defines them among a group of people, besides their talent at Magick.

Note: I personally refer to them as "witches" despite gender.


They are ideally witches, but they specialize in the writing and using of specific spells rather than general Magick. (I could go into more detail but that would take a long time. Feel free to PM me with questions.)

Again, no certain qualities to set them apart from humans, since magical blood doesn't alter your physical being.


It is rare to find a pure-blooded vampire. Therefor, it is rare to find a vampire in its true self.

Vampires in this generation do not have a craving for blood, nor do they die without it. They will, however, find a certain fondness of bloody or undercooked meats (beef in particular). Also, only pure vampires (again, very rare) live for hundreds of years. The average one will merely live up to maybe 115, and will simply have less health issues.

Signs of one having vampire blood may be: a natural odd misplacement of teeth (the lateral incisor will be much higher than the rest of he teeth); darker eyes; better efficiency at night; the ability to see auras


Again, I will add more as needed. PM me if anything is unclear or otherwise.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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