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It wasn't Justin's idea.

In fact, Clay was the one who suggested it.

"Just leave anonymous notes," Clay says. "Then, when you're ready, reveal that it was you the whole time."

"Yeah, because that's so fucking easy. Why does he have to be so cute?" Justin replies, dropping his head in his hands.

Clay just laughs a little, shaking his head. "I never said it was easy."

"Yeah, but-"

"Hey, speak of the devil, look whose coming over." Clay interrupted,  and without having to look up, Justin knew he was smiling as he talked.

But he did look up, and just as Alex sat down. Obviously, that's who Clay was referring to.

"Hey." Justin awkwardly said, and God, was Clay trying hard not to burst out laughing. "Where's your lunch?"

"Not hungry." Alex replies softly, and instead pulls a book from his bag he had with him.

"You've been 'not hungry' a lot lately." Clay aids, now picking at his lunch that he forgot about since he was so invested in the talk with Justin.

"It's partially not hungry, partially that the food here is shit, and I probably wouldn't eat it if I were dying of starvation." he laughs,  just because of how true his statement was.

"Yeah,  I guess it is." Justin says, not even realizing it because he's deadass staring straight at Alex with soft eyes.

Alex just nods, half smiling and turning back to his book. Clay has to clear his throat to make Justin snap out of it, but not make it too obvious for Alex to notice.

He did it just as the bell rang, causing Justin to almost fall out of his seat. Alex laughs. "You okay, man?" and Clay is fucking dying on the inside. It's taking everything in him not to laugh obnoxiously.

"Yeah. . ." he replies,  glaring at Clay. He smiles again when he brings his focus back to Alex. "I'm good. Thanks."

"Alright, well, see you in Biology, I guess." Alex says,  getting up, waving to Clay and leaving immediately.

"You know," Clay says, now laughing like how he wanted to. "You have t' work on that shit. That 'staring' thing makes me uncomfortable, so I can only imagine how the poor kid feels when you stare at him."

Justin scoffs. "Fuck off, Clay." Except,  he's laughing, too now.

"Really," Clay says, smiling sympathetically, "I think you should try the note thing. It could be easier than freaking the fuck out whenever Alex is within five feet from you."

A/N: lmao the story is 420 words 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Also holy shit, i can write in capitals??? Whoa
Expect shipper Zach and Clay.

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